Extract Water (Image Analyst)

AllSource 1.2    |


Finds water bodies using input synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and a DEM.

The tool uses the input radar backscatter to determine whether pixels should be classified as water; then creates polygons for water areas. The tool will also create polygons for areas that are not water, which will be considered land areas.


Extract Water tool illustration


  • Calibrate the input radar data to gamma nought using the Apply Radiometric Calibration tool. This optimizes delineation and classification, especially in large radar scenes.

  • The input radar data may not align with the output feature class. If the input radar data is not orthorectified, the tool transforms the Output Feature Class parameter value using the DEM Raster parameter. When no DEM is provided, the tool performs a transformation using an ellipsoidal surface. For optimal transformation of the Output Feature Class parameter value, provide an input DEM for the DEM Raster parameter. The input DEM must be in the WGS84 (EPSG:4326) geographic coordinate system.

  • This tool can also be used to create water polygons or land polygons for input into other SAR tools, such as Detect Bright Ocean Objects and Detect Dark Ocean Areas.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Radar Data

The input radar data.

Raster Dataset; Raster Layer
Output Feature Class

The output polygon feature class that depicts water and land polygons.

Feature Class
Minimum Area

The minimum area to extract as a water body. The default value is 50,000 square meters.

Areal Unit
DEM Raster

The input DEM.

If the input radar data is not orthorectified, this DEM will be used to orthorectify it.

This DEM will also be used to optimize the polygon construction.

Mosaic Layer; Raster Layer
Apply geoid correction

Specifies whether the vertical reference system of the input DEM will be transformed to ellipsoidal height. Most elevation datasets are referenced to sea level orthometric height, so a correction is required in these cases to convert to ellipsoidal height.

  • Checked—A geoid correction will be made to convert orthometric height to ellipsoidal height (based on EGM96 geoid). This is the default.
  • Unchecked—No geoid correction will be made. Use this option only if the DEM is provided in ellipsoidal height.


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