Letter Intersections (Defense)


Identifies intersections in a line feature class and adds sequential letters to output point features.


  • When naming a new field to letter in the Field to Letter (New Field Name) parameter, the first letter must be an alpha character, and the remaining letters must be alphanumeric or underscores.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Line Features

The input line features with intersections that will be lettered.

Feature Set
Output Intersection Points Feature Class

The output point feature class.

Feature Class
Field to Letter (New Field Name)

The name of the field that will contain the letter designator for each intersection.

Input Area to Letter

The area that will limit the intersections identified; only intersections within this area will be identified and lettered.

Feature Set
Spatial Sort Method

Specifies how features will be spatially sorted for the purpose of lettering. Features are not reordered in the table.

  • Upper rightFeatures will be sorted starting at the upper right corner. This is the default.
  • Upper leftFeatures will be sorted starting at the upper left corner.
  • Lower rightFeatures will be sorted starting at the lower right corner.
  • Lower leftFeatures will be sorted starting at the lower left corner.
  • Peano curveFeatures will be sorted using a space-filling curve algorithm, also known as a Peano curve.
  • CenterFeatures will be sorted starting from a center point (the mean center will be used if no center is provided).
  • ClockwiseFeatures will be sorted starting from a center point and moving clockwise.
  • CounterclockwiseFeatures will be sorted starting from a center point and moving counterclockwise.
  • NoneNo spatial sort will be used. The same order as the feature class will be used.
Lettering Format

Specifies the labeling format that will be used for each feature.

  • Excel (A, B, C, ...)An alpha character (for example, A, B, C) will be used. This is the default.
  • Grid (AA, AB, AC, ...)A constant alpha character with an incrementing second alpha character grid (for example, AA, AB, AC) will be used.
  • Alternating Grid (AA, BB, CC, ...)A double alpha character that is incremented for each feature (for example, AA, BB, CC) will be used.
Starting Letter

The value that will be used to begin lettering.

Omit Letters

The values that will be omitted from the lettering sequence.

Minimum Distance Between Output Points

The minimum distance between intersections that are identified for lettering.

Linear Unit
Center Point

The center point that will be used to sort and letter features.

Feature Set
Add Distance and Bearing to Center

Specifies whether fields will be added to the output for distance and bearing to a center point.

  • Do not add distance and bearingNo distance or bearing fields will be added to the output. This is the default.
  • Add distance and bearingDIST_TO_CENTER and ANGLE_TO_CENTER fields will be added to the output.

arcpy.defense.LetterIntersections(in_features, out_feature_class, field_to_letter, {in_area}, {spatial_sort_method}, {lettering_format}, {starting_letter}, {omit_letters}, {min_out_point_distance}, {center_point}, {add_distance_and_bearing})
NameExplanationData Type

The input line features with intersections that will be lettered.

Feature Set

The output point feature class.

Feature Class

The name of the field that will contain the letter designator for each intersection.


The area that will limit the intersections identified; only intersections within this area will be identified and lettered.

Feature Set

Specifies how features will be spatially sorted for the purpose of lettering. Features are not reordered in the table.

  • URFeatures will be sorted starting at the upper right corner. This is the default.
  • ULFeatures will be sorted starting at the upper left corner.
  • LRFeatures will be sorted starting at the lower right corner.
  • LLFeatures will be sorted starting at the lower left corner.
  • PEANOFeatures will be sorted using a space-filling curve algorithm, also known as a Peano curve.
  • CENTERFeatures will be sorted starting from a center point (the mean center will be used if no center is provided).
  • CLOCKWISEFeatures will be sorted starting from a center point and moving clockwise.
  • COUNTERCLOCKWISEFeatures will be sorted starting from a center point and moving counterclockwise.
  • NONENo spatial sort will be used. The same order as the feature class will be used.

Specifies the labeling format that will be used for each feature.

  • A_B_CAn alpha character (for example, A, B, C) will be used. This is the default.
  • AA_AB_ACA constant alpha character with an incrementing second alpha character grid (for example, AA, AB, AC) will be used.
  • AA_BB_CCA double alpha character that is incremented for each feature (for example, AA, BB, CC) will be used.

The value that will be used to begin lettering.


The values that will be omitted from the lettering sequence.


The minimum distance between intersections that are identified for lettering.

Linear Unit

The center point that will be used to sort and letter features.

Feature Set

Specifies whether fields will be added to the output for distance and bearing to a center point.

  • DONT_ADD_DISTANCENo distance or bearing fields will be added to the output. This is the default.
  • ADD_DISTANCEDIST_TO_CENTER and ANGLE_TO_CENTER fields will be added to the output.

Code sample

LetterIntersections example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the LetterIntersections function.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/data.gdb"
arcpy.defense.LetterIntersections("streets", "intersections", "intersection_id")
LetterIntersections example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following example uses the LetterIntersections function in an example workflow script.

# Find intersections, assign a unique value, and create a buffer.

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/data.gdb"

# Find intersections
input_lines = "Streets"
output_intersections = "intersection_subset"

# Create buffers
                      "40 Feet")