Color Balance Mosaic Dataset (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Color balances a mosaic dataset so that the tiles appear seamless.


  • Color balancing can only take place if the following is true about your data:

    • All the bands have their statistics calculated.
    • All the bands have their histogram built.
    • None of the raster datasets have an associated color map.
  • The bands in the Target Raster parameter value must be in the same order as the bands in the Mosaic Dataset parameter value. Ideally, the number of bands should be the same. If there are more bands in the input mosaic dataset, the bands in the target raster will be used again, sequentially.

  • If the bit depth of the input mosaic dataset and the target raster are different, the pixel values will be automatically scaled so that they are both in the same bit depth.

  • The actions defined by the Exclude Area Raster, Stretch Type, and Gamma parameters are performed before any color balancing occurs.

  • The target color surface is only available if the dodging balancing technique is chosen. When using the dodging technique, each pixel needs a target color, which is picked up from the target color surface. There are five types of target color surfaces that you can choose from: single color, color grid, first order surface, second order surface, and third order surface.

  • The Target Raster and Target Raster Object ID parameter values are used to guide color balancing. The color of the Target Raster and Target Raster Object ID parameter values will not be changed, and its color characteristics will be used to color balance the other images in the mosaic dataset. While the color of the target raster is maintained, the global optimization of the entire mosaic dataset may become weaker, so it is not necessary to always get the best overall optimized color balance outcome.

    • When dodging balancing is used—The target color that will be derived depends on the target color surface type that was chosen. For single color, the average value of the reference target image is used. For color grid, the reference target image is resampled to a suitable grid. For the polynomial order surfaces, the coefficients of the polynomial are obtained by least square fitting, from the reference target image.
    • When histogram balancing is used—The target histogram is obtained from the reference target image.
    • When standard deviation balancing is used—The target standard deviation is obtained from the reference target image.

  • The DEM Raster parameter is activated when the Balance Method parameter is set to Global Fit. It is recommended that the digital elevation model (DEM) be local rather than online; otherwise, the computation will take longer. When the DEM Raster parameter value is specified, the Z Factor, Z Offset, and Apply Geoid Correction parameters are activated, and their default values are typically used.

  • The Input Solution Points parameter is activated when the Balance Method parameter is set to Global Fit. You can use the solution points from block adjustment output to help estimate the locations of image overlap. This is helpful when the image has less than 50 percent overlap with its neighbors. It is recommended that you do not use this option for mosaic datasets with good overlap because it will increase computation time.

  • To remove a color correction, right-click the mosaic dataset in the Catalog pane and click Remove > Remove Color Balancing.


LabelExplanationData Type
Mosaic Dataset

The mosaic dataset that will be color balanced.

Mosaic Layer
Balance Method

Specifies the balancing method that will be used.

  • DodgingEach pixel's value will be changed toward a target color. With this method, you must also choose the type of target color surface, which affects the target color. Dodging tends to give the best result in most cases.
  • Global FitAn optimal pixel value will be determined by globally adjusting the color difference in all overlap areas to the minimum. This method is suitable for a mosaic dataset in which each image has good overlap with each other.
  • HistogramEach pixel's value will be changed according to its relationship with a target histogram. The target histogram can be derived from all of the rasters, or you can specify a raster. This method works well when all of the rasters have a similar histogram.
  • Standard deviationEach of the pixel's values will be changed according to its relationship with the histogram of the target raster, within one standard deviation. The standard deviation can be calculated from all of the rasters in the mosaic dataset, or you can specify a target raster. This method works best when all of the rasters have normal distributions.
Color Surface Type

Specifies how the target color of each pixel will be determined.

This parameter is active when the Balance Method parameter is set to Dodging.

  • Single color All the pixels will be altered toward a single color point—the average of all pixels. Use this option when there are only a small number of raster datasets and a few different types of ground objects. If there are too many raster datasets or too many types of ground surfaces, the output color may become blurred.
  • Color grid Pixels will be altered toward multiple target colors, which are distributed across the mosaic dataset. Use this option when you have a large number of raster datasets or areas with a large number of diverse ground objects.
  • First order All pixels will be altered toward many points obtained from the two-dimensional polynomial slanted plane. This option tends to create a smoother color change and uses less storage in the auxiliary table, but it may take longer to process compared to the color grid surface.
  • Second order All input pixels will be altered toward a set of multiple points obtained from the two-dimensional polynomial parabolic surface. This option tends to create a smoother color change and uses less storage in the auxiliary table, but it may take longer to process compared to the color grid surface.
  • Third order All input pixels will be altered toward multiple points obtained from the cubic surface. This option tends to create a smoother color change and uses less storage in the auxiliary table, but it may take longer to process compared to the color grid surface.
Target Raster

The raster that will be used to color balance the other images. The balance method and color surface type, if applicable, will be derived from this image.

Raster Dataset; Raster Layer; Internet Tiled Layer; Map Server Layer
Exclude Area Raster

A raster that identifies the locations that will be excluded.

Create a mask using the Generate Exclude Area tool.

Raster Layer
Stretch Type

Specifies how the range of values will be stretched before color balancing.

  • None The original pixel values will be used. This is the default.
  • Adaptive An adaptive prestretch will be applied before any processing takes place.
  • Minimum Maximum The values will be stretched between their minimum and maximum values.
  • Standard deviation The values will be stretched between the default number of standard deviations.

A numeric value that will adjust the overall brightness of an image. A low value will minimize the contrast between moderate values by making them appear darker. Higher values will increase the contrast by making them appear brighter.

Block Field

A field in the mosaic dataset's attribute table that will be used to identify items that will be considered one item when performing some calculations and operations.

DEM Raster

A DEM to help estimate the overlapped locations in the mosaic dataset.

This parameter is active when the Balance Method parameter is set to Global Fit.

Raster Dataset; Raster Layer; Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer
Z Factor

A conversion factor that adjusts the units of measure for the vertical (or elevation) units when they are different from the horizontal coordinate (x,y) units of the input surface DEM. It is the number of ground x,y units in one surface z-unit. If the vertical units are meters, set the parameter to 1. If the vertical units are feet, set the parameter to 0.3048. If any other vertical units are used, use this parameter to scale the units to meters.

This parameter is active when the DEM Raster parameter is specified.

Z Offset

A base value that will be added to the elevation value in the DEM. This can be used to offset elevation values that do not start at sea level.

This parameter is active when the DEM Raster parameter is specified.

Apply Geoid Correction

Specifies whether the geoid correction required by rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) that reference ellipsoidal heights will be made. Most elevation datasets are referenced to sea level orthometric heights, so this correction is required in these cases to convert to ellipsoidal heights.

This parameter is active when the DEM Raster parameter is specified.

  • Unchecked—No geoid correction will be made. Use this option only if the DEM is already expressed in ellipsoidal heights. This is the default.
  • Checked—A geoid correction will be made to convert orthometric heights to ellipsoidal heights (based on EGM96 geoid).
Input Solution Points

The solution points from block adjustment output to help accurately estimate the overlapped locations. This parameter is helpful when the image has less than 50 percent overlap with its neighbors. Using this parameter will increase the computation time, so for the ordinary mosaic dataset with good overlaps, you can leave this parameter unspecified.

This parameter is active when the Balance Method parameter is set to Global Fit.

Table View
Target Raster Object ID

The target raster object ID that will be used to color balance the other images. The balance method and color surface type, if applicable, will be derived from this image.

This parameter is active when the Balance Method parameter is set to Global Fit.

Refine Estimation by Correlation

Specifies whether the color balancing estimation for corresponding locations in the overlapped areas will be refined using image correlation.

This parameter is helpful for the exact color difference correction but will increase the computation time. If you have a mosaic dataset composed of a large number of images, uncheck this parameter to reduce the computation time.

This parameter is active when the Balance Method parameter is set to Global Fit.

  • Unchecked—No refined estimation will be made.
  • Checked—A refined estimation for color balance will be made. This is the default.
Reduce Shadow Influence

Specifies whether the negative influence of shadows on the color balance output will be reduced.

This parameter is active when the Balance Method parameter is set to Global Fit.

  • Unchecked—The influence of shadows will not be reduced. This is the default.
  • Checked—The influence of shadows will be reduced. Use this option when the mosaic dataset has a lot of shadows.
Reduce Cloud Influence

Specifies whether the negative influence of clouds on the color balance output will be reduced.

This parameter is active when the Balance Method parameter is set to Dodging or Global Fit.

  • Unchecked—The influence of clouds will not be reduced. This is the default.
  • Checked—The influence of clouds will be reduced.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Mosaic Dataset

The updated mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer

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