Table To SAS (Conversion)

AllSource 1.2    |


Converts a table to a SAS dataset.


  • This tool supports connection to SAS Desktop installed on a local computer or connection to SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS). If you're using CAS, the order of the records may change during conversion.

  • The Custom Session Configuration File parameter must be used for remote deployments of SAS, such as Workspace Server, UNIX, and Mainframe. If SAS is installed on the same machine as ArcGIS AllSource, the configuration file is not required.

    Learn more about SAS session configurations

  • Provide the SAS dataset in the form libref.tablename in which libref is the name of a SAS or CAS library and tablename is the name of the SAS dataset. For example, SASUSER.MYTABLE references a SAS dataset named MYTABLE in the SASUSER library.

  • SAS libraries, dataset names, and column names are not case sensitive. For example, SASUSER.MYTABLE is treated the same as sasuser.mytable and SASUser.MyTable.

  • The number of records that can be converted depends on the available memory of your computer.

  • For a local SAS deployment, the SASUSER, SASHELP, MAPS, MAPSSAS, and MAPSGFK libraries are available by default. To use a custom library, the libref must be defined in the SAS Autoexec file.

    Learn more about Autoexec configurations

  • When connecting to CAS, you can authenticate your credentials in two ways:

    • Provide your username and password using the CAS Username and Password parameters. The password will be hidden and not accessible through geoprocessing history.
    • Provide an authorization (Authinfo) file using the CAS Authorization (Authinfo) File parameter containing your username and encoded password. This option allows you to avoid retyping your password each time you run the tool.

      To automatically use an Authinfo file each time you use the tool, name the file _authinfo (including the underscore) and save it in the Windows home directory (usually C:\Users\<username>). The file can have any file extension, such as _authinfo.txt or _authinfo.netrc. If the file exists in your home directory, the CAS Authorization (Authinfo) File parameter will automatically populate with the file. This allows you to avoid browsing for the same Authinfo file each time you use the tool.

      The Authinfo file can contain connection information for multiple hosts and ports, but for the simplest case of a single user connecting to a single host and port, the Authinfo file will be a single line with the following syntax:

      default user MYUSERNAME password {SAS004}1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

      You can encode your password for the file using the PROC PWENCODE SAS procedure.

      Learn more about creating Authinfo files and encoding passwords

  • The WORK library is a temporary workspace that is created when a SAS session starts, and all files are deleted when the session closes. This tool starts and closes a new SAS session during operation, so you should not use the WORK library in this tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The input table.

Table View
Output SAS Dataset (libref.tablename)

The output SAS dataset. Provide the dataset in the form libref.table in which libref is the name of a SAS library and table is the name of the SAS table.

Replace SAS Dataset

Specifies whether the output can overwrite an existing SAS dataset.

  • Checked—The output SAS dataset can overwrite an existing dataset.
  • Unchecked—The output SAS dataset cannot overwrite an existing dataset. This is the default.

Use Domain and Subtype Descriptions

Specifies whether domain and subtype descriptions will be included in the output SAS dataset.

  • Checked—Domain and subtype descriptions will be included in the output SAS dataset.
  • Unchecked—Domain and subtype descriptions will not be included in the output SAS dataset. This is the default.

Upload SAS Dataset to SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS)

Specifies whether the output SAS dataset will be uploaded to CAS or saved in a local SAS library.

  • Checked—The output SAS dataset will be uploaded to CAS.
  • Unchecked—The output SAS dataset will be saved in a local SAS library. This is the default.

CAS Hostname URL

The URL of the CAS host.


The port of the CAS connection.

CAS Username

The username for the CAS connection.


The password for the CAS connection. This password is hidden and not accessible after running the tool.

String Hidden
Custom Session Configuration File

The file specifying custom configurations for the SAS session. The file is only required for customized local or remote SAS deployments.

CAS Authorization (Authinfo) File

The file containing authentication information when connecting to CAS. The file must contain the username and encoded password for the connection. If a file is provided, the CAS Username and Password parameters do not need to be specified.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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