PDF To TIFF (Conversion)

AllSource 1.2    |


Exports a .pdf file to Tagged Image File Format (TIFF).


  • If the Input PDF File parameter value includes georeference information, the Output TIFF File parameter value can be a GeoTIFF. A GeoTIFF can be used as a source for digitizing and viewing in ArcGIS AllSource.

  • The tool supports both GeoPDF and ISO standards of georeferenced PDF documents.

  • If the Input PDF File parameter value consists of more than one page, the PDF Page Number parameter will display the pages in the .pdf file.

  • If the Input PDF File parameter value does not have a spatial reference, the PDF Map and Write GeoTIFF Tags parameters will be unavailable.

  • 3D GeoPDFs are not supported.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input PDF File

The input .pdf file to be exported to TIFF.

Output TIFF File

The output .tif file.

Raster Dataset
PDF Password

This parameter is unavailable at ArcGIS 3.3. It will be supported in a future release.

Encrypted String
PDF Page Number

The page number of the PDF document to export to TIFF.


The map that will be exported.

In a .pdf file, a map is a defined container of graphics on the PDF page that has a spatial reference. A PDF map is equivalent to an ArcGIS AllSource map in that it is the container for spatial data. A PDF document may have one or more maps. For example, a page may have a main map and an additional smaller overview or key map.

If the Write GeoTIFF Tags parameter value is specified, it will be used to set the output spatial reference of the .tif file.

If the Clip Output to Map parameter value is specified, it will be used to define the extent of the output .tif file.

If the page contains more than one map, each unique map on the PDF page will be listed by name. You can also use the LARGEST option to use the largest map in the PDF. This is the default.

For .pdf files that use the OGC GeoPDF standard, the only supported option is LARGEST.

If the page contains only one map, this parameter will be blank.

Clip Output to Map

Specifies whether the entire page or only the map will be exported.

  • Checked—Only the map specified in the PDF Map parameter will be exported to TIFF.
  • Unchecked—The entire page will be exported to TIFF. This is the default.
Resolution in dpi

The resolution of the output .tif file in dots per inch (DPI). The default is 250.

Color Mode

Specifies the number of bits that will be used to describe color.

  • RGB true color32-bit RGBA color will be used. If the Compression parameter is set to Jpeg, 24-bit RGB color will be used. This is the default.

Additional options will be supported in a future release.


Specifies the compression scheme for the output .tif file.

  • LZWLempel-Ziv-Welch, a lossless data compression, will be used. This is the default.
  • DeflateA lossless data compression will be used.
  • JpegJPEG lossy compression will be used. The compression quality will be automatically set to 100 and cannot be changed.
  • NoneCompression will not be applied.
  • PackBitsPackBits lossless compression will be used.
Write GeoTIFF Tags

Specifies whether GeoTIFF tags will be added to the output. This parameter is only supported if the Input PDF File parameter value has a spatial reference.

  • Checked—GeoTIFF tags will be added to the output. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—GeoTIFF tags will not be added to the output.

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