Union Dimension (Environment setting)

AllSource 1.2    |

Tools that honor the Union Dimension environment will generate a multidimensional raster that includes all the dimensions from the input multidimensional rasters.

Usage notes

  • This setting is only applied when there is more than one raster input and the inputs are multidimensional raster datasets.
  • When the Union Dimension environment is unchecked, a geoprocessing tool will run only if the dimensions in the input multidimensional rasters have the same name. If the dimension names do not match, the tool will fail.
  • When the environment is checked, the names of the dimensions from the input multidimensional rasters do not need to match, and the tool will generate a multidimensional raster in which the dimensions are unioned. For example, you can use the Plus tool to add two multidimensional rasters that each have an ocean temperature variable named temperature, but one measures along dimension Time and one measures along dimension Depth. The result will be a multidimensional raster with both Time and Depth dimensions, and the temperature variable has been added together for each combined pair of dimensions.

Dialog syntax

  • Unchecked—Supported tools will run only if the input multidimensional rasters have a dimension with the same name. This is the default.
  • Checked—Supported tools will run even if the input multidimensional rasters do not have dimensions with the same name, and all dimensions will be included in the output multidimensional raster.

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.unionDimension = boolean_option



Specifies whether to union the dimensions from the input multidimensional rasters. The default is False.

unionDimension syntax

Script example

import arcpy

# Set the unionDimension environment to True
arcpy.env.unionDimension = True