Maintain Attachments (Environment setting)

AllSource 1.2    |

Tools that honor the Maintain Attachments environment will copy attachments from the input features to the output features. An attachment table and a relationship class will be created.

Usage notes

  • The input feature class must have attachments. This setting will not otherwise create or enable attachments on the output.
  • The output workspace must support attachments. Attachments will not be copied if the output workspace does not support attachments; for example, shapefiles and DBF files do not support attachments.
  • The following tools transfer attachments:
  • The Copy tool always copies attachments, regardless of the Maintain Attachments environment setting.

Dialog syntax

  • Checked—Attachments will be copied to the output feature class. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Attachments will not be copied to the output.

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.maintainAttachments = True



Specifies whether attachments will be copied to the output features. The default is True.

maintainAttachments syntax

Script example

import arcpy

# Set the maintainAttachments environment to False (no attachment copy)
arcpy.env.maintainAttachments = False