Use Detailed Aggregation (Environment setting)

AllSource 1.2    |

Tools that honor the Use Detailed Aggregation environment will use a detailed data aggregation method for areas beyond a specified radius. This environment is used by Business Analyst tools only.

Usage notes

  • When the environment is checked, the processing time will increase for some tools, such as Summary Reports and Enrich. After finishing, tools will issue a warning that performance may be faster if the setting is disabled.

Dialog syntax

  • Checked—The smallest available unit of geography in the Business Analyst dataset will be used for apportionment.

    This option ensures optimal precision.

  • Unchecked—Geography units of various sizes in the Business Analyst dataset will be used for apportionment. This option ensures optimal performance. This is the default.

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.baUseDetailedAggregation = boolean_option



Specifies whether a detailed data aggregation method will be used. The default is False.

baUseDetailedAggregation syntax

Script example

import arcpy

# Set the baUseDetailedAggregation environment to True
arcpy.env.baUseDetailedAggregation = True