Configure a table

AllSource 1.1    |

This workflow explains how to modify the default configuration of a stand-alone table. To begin the sharing process, set general properties, and finish sharing, see Share a table.

You can configure a stand-alone table to allow operations and to set properties and parameters. Table configuration is divided into two areas: properties and parameters.

Configure properties

To configure properties, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Share As Table or Overwrite Table pane, if necessary.
  2. In the Share As Table pane or Overwrite Table pane, click the Configuration tab. Click the Configure Properties tab Configure Properties under it, if necessary.
  3. Under Operations, check the Approve for Public Data Collection check box to allow public editing.

    You must approve the layer for public data collection before you can enable editing if the web layer is shared with everyone.


    If editing is enabled on a layer that is shared with the public, anyone can edit it without signing in to your organization. For optimal performance and to prevent data loss or corruption, disable editing or share the layer only with your organization. For more information, see Allow or prevent editing on public layers.

  4. Check the Enable editing and allow editors to check box to enable table editing.

    Editing can also be enabled on the hosted table's item details page in your portal.

    Choose which editing operations are permitted from the following table:


    Editors can add feature geometry and provide attribute values when they create the feature. This option is enabled by default. Once features are created, the Update option must be enabled for editors to modify features or their attributes.


    Editors can delete features. This option is enabled by default.


    When this option is enabled, the Attributes and geometry option is enabled by default, allowing editors to update feature geometry and attributes. Choose Attributes only to allow editors to update attributes for existing features only. They cannot modify feature geometry.

    The editing options displayed for a table are the same as for a web feature layer. However, because no features are created when you share a table, it doesn't matter which option you choose. If you enable editing, editors can change the hosted table's attribute values. However, they cannot add or delete fields, calculate field values, or append data.


    For ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or earlier portals, the editing operations are different.

    ArcGIS Enterprise versionOptions

    ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 through 10.8

    • Add, update, and delete features
    • Add and update features
    • Add features
    • Update features
    • Update attributes only

    ArcGIS Enterprise 10.4 through 10.6

    • Add, update, and delete features
    • Update feature attributes only
    • Add features only

  5. Check the Enable Sync box to allow users to work with a local copy of the data when they are offline and to synchronize changes when they are online.
  6. Check the Export Data check box to allow others to export the data to different formats.
  7. Under Properties, optionally check the Preserve editor tracking info check box.

    Not checked

    Editor tracking information is not preserved. Attribute values in editor tracking fields are overwritten with the account credentials (username) of the person sharing the table and the table publishing time stamp. This is the default.


    Editor tracking information is preserved. Attribute values are not overwritten.


    Records created before the table is shared may store names in editor tracking fields that don't match usernames in your ArcGIS organization. For example, they may store a desktop computer or database username. When you subsequently manage the hosted table in your portal, you may want to restrict editing privileges so that editors can edit only records they have created themselves. (On the table's item details page, on the Settings tab, this option is called What features can editors edit?) If you make this restriction, and if you also chose to preserve editor tracking information, no one in your organization—including you—can edit existing records in the hosted table because no one is recognized as the creator of those records. This is the main reason to consider not preserving editor tracking information.

    Learn more about editor tracking.

Configure parameters

If your stand-alone table contains date fields, you can set a time zone property. For more information about parameters, see Service parameters. To configure the parameters of a stand-alone table, follow these steps:

  1. In the Share As Table pane, on the Configuration tab, click the Configure Parameters tab Configure parameters.
  2. Under Date Fields, click the Time zone of the data drop-down arrow and choose the time zone in which your date values are stored.

    Specifying the time zone allows date and time values to be converted correctly when users interact with the table. If you choose a time zone other than UTC (coordinated universal time) and you want the time zone to account for daylight saving time, check Adjust For Daylight Saving.


    If you don't specify a time zone, date values are assumed to be stored in UTC.

  3. If you selected a time zone other than None (Assumed UTC), optionally click the Preferred time zone for display drop-down arrow and choose a time zone for ArcGIS AllSource to use when interacting with the table.

    ArcGIS AllSource will display date fields in UTC if no preferred time zone is specified. This setting does not appear when you share to an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 or earlier portal.

    1. If you choose a preferred time zone other than None (Assumed UTC) and you want the preferred time zone to account for daylight saving time, check Adjust For Daylight Saving.
  4. Optionally, under Settings, uncheck the Ensure map is set to allow assignment of unique IDs check box. If the box is checked (the default), the map is analyzed to confirm that the Allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers option in Map Properties is enabled. If the box is unchecked, the analyzer is skipped. If the option in Map Properties is not enabled, unique IDs are automatically assigned to layers and tables when the web layer is published.


    Checking the check box does not automatically enable any option in Map Properties. Authoring the map with assigned layer and table IDs ensures they remain static if the contents or layer ordering in your map change. When overwriting the web layer, assigned IDs must match existing service sublayer IDs to maintain references to them in web maps.

    Learn more about assigning layer IDs