Additional layers and capabilities

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When sharing to ArcGIS Enterprise, you can enable additional layers and capabilities. Enabling some of these creates additional items in your portal content; others only turn on functionality available through the service. Some capabilities require a specific layer or data source to be present in your map; if the required layer or data is not present, the check box is hidden.

When sharing to a federated server that has a server object extension (SOE) or server object interceptor (SOI), that capability is available. You must select the federated server with the SOE or SOI to see the capability listed. ArcGIS Server Manager should be used to update the order of SOI execution after the web layer has been shared.

Enabling an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) layer requires that the layers be shared publicly for the OGC layers to draw correctly.


Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML-based file format used to represent geographic features in applications such as ArcGIS Earth. KML allows you to draw points, lines, and polygons on maps and globes and share them.

For more information, see KML support in ArcGIS Server.

Linear referencing

Linear referencing is supported when sharing networks and event layers to be used in ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing, ArcGIS Roads and Highways, and Roadway Reporter. They can be used to do the following:

  • Convert routes and measures to coordinates or polylines and coordinate locations to routes and measures.
  • Validate route and measure values.
  • Convert measures from one linear referencing method (LRM) to another.

Network analysis

Network analysis is supported when sharing a network analysis layer or a network dataset layer. Network analysis services allow you to perform transportation network analysis operations, including the following:

  • Service area
  • Route
  • Closest facility
  • Origin-destination cost matrix

Enabling network analysis creates a network analysis service item in your content.

Topographic production

Topographic production capabilities are supported when sharing web layers for use in ArcGIS Defense Mapping or ArcGIS Production Mapping. These web layers can be used to generate map products.

Learn more about this service in ArcGIS Server

Learn more about publishing the service in Defense Mapping or Production Mapping


Validation is supported when publishing datasets with certain geodatabase functionality. Validation helps enforce data integrity by allowing the validation of the following:

  • Topology layers
  • Parcel fabric layers
  • Layers that have calculation (batch) and validation attribute rules
To enable the validation capability, the following requirements must be met:
  • The map image layer must reference registered data.
  • An associated feature layer must be included.
  • The source of the layer must be branch versioned and accessed as the data owner.
  • The registered workspace referenced by the map image layer must be set to branch in the database connection.

Learn more about how to share and use a topology.

Learn more about how to share parcel fabric datasets and validate a parcel fabric.

Learn more about how to share datasets with attribute rules and evaluate attribute rules.

Version management

Version management is supported when sharing branch versioned datasets. Version management allows you to create and administer versions and edit branch versioned datasets through the associated feature layer. Without version management, you cannot switch versions, undo or redo edits, or discard all edits—only simple editing is available. To enable the version management capability, the following requirements must be met:

  • The map image layer must reference registered data.
  • An associated feature layer must be included.
  • The registered workspace referenced by the map image layer must be set to branch in the database connection.

For more information, see Share branch versioned data.

Version management may be helpful when sharing the following:

  • Utility network layers
  • Trace network layers
Learn more about how to share utility network layers.

Learn more about how to share trace network layers.


Enabling Web Coverage Service (WCS) allows you to serve raster datasets according to the OGC WCS specification.

A WCS service returns data in a format that can be used as input for analysis and modeling. This is in contrast with the OGC Web Map Service (WMS), which only returns a picture of the data. The raster datasets made available through WCS services are referred to as coverages. These should not be confused with the vector datasets available in previous versions of ArcGIS, which were also known as coverages.

WCS services are useful if you want to make your raster datasets available online in an open, recognized way across different platforms and clients. Any client built to support the WCS 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 2.0.1 specifications can view and work with your service.

For more information on modifying WCS properties, see Set available WCS service properties.

OGC Features

OGC Features services allow you to serve the features in your map according to the OGC API Features specification. The OGC API Features standard is built on the legacy of the OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) standard and allow you to serve geospatial data over the web. They can be created from a map image layer.

You can use the layers in third-party applications in which you require an OGC API Features service. You can also add the OGC feature layer to Map Viewer or use it in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 or later.


Web Feature Services (WFS) allow you to serve the features in your map according to the OGC WFS specification. They can be created from a web feature layer that copies all data or enabled on map image layers.

Serving your data through a WFS service allows any application that can work with web services to access geographic features from your map or enterprise geodatabase. The WFS service returns features with geometry and attributes that clients can use in any type of geospatial analysis. WFS services also support filters that allow you to perform spatial and attribute queries on the data.

For more information, see WFS services. To learn about the properties you can set, see Available WFS service properties.

WFS requires the following:

  • The map image layer must reference registered data and the data must be registered with the federated server.

    A WFS layer with data copied to the server can be created by sharing a web feature layer that copies all data.

  • If transactions are enabled, all data must be in the same registered enterprise geodatabase.


Enabling Web Map Service (WMS) allows you to serve dynamic maps according to the OGC WMS specification.

WMS services are useful if you want to make your maps available online in an open, recognized way across different platforms and clients. Any client built to support the WMS specification can view and work with your service. Four versions of the WMS specification have been published so far: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, and 1.3.0 (most recent).

To learn about the properties you can set, see Available WMS service properties.