00290: Cannot connect through admin URL or services URL

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You are sharing to a federated server that does not allow access to the admin API through the admin URL or the services URL. Access to the admin API is required to connect to the cache data store and to make certain requests required to publish services. The following layer types cannot be shared without access to the admin API:

  • Map image layers
  • Web imagery layers
  • Web tile layers cached on the server
  • Vector tile layers with associated map image layer and feature layer
  • Web scene layers with associated map image layer and feature layer
  • Web elevation layers cached on the server


  • If you are sharing a web tile layer, configure it to cache locally.

    Click the Configuration tab. Under Layer(s), next to Tile, click the Configure Web Layer Properties button Configure Web Layer Properties. Under Options, click Cache locally.

  • If you are sharing a vector tile layer or web scene layer, set the web layer to copy all data.

    On the General tab, under Data and Layer Type, click Vector Tile (or Scene) under Copy all data.

  • If you are sharing a web elevation layer, ensure the web layer is set to copy all data and configure it to cache locally.

    On the General tab, under Data and Layer Type, click Copy all data. Click the Configuration tab. Under Options, click Cache locally.

  • If sharing a layer type other than web tile or scene, select a different federated server that allows access to the admin API.
  • Contact your administrator or Esri Technical Support for further assistance.

Additional information

For more information, see Analyze your GIS resource.