00252: Tiling scheme is not supported for vector tile layers

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When sharing a vector tile layer, there are additional tiling scheme requirements that must be met for the tiles to be generated correctly. These include:

  • Each scale level must be half of the preceding scale level within a tolerance of eight to nine decimals.
  • The tile size must be 512 by 512.


  • Use a different tiling scheme, such as the Auto-suggest tiling scheme, that conforms to the tiling scheme requirements.

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  • Each scale level must be half of the preceding scale level within a tolerance of eight to nine decimals. For example, if you have a tiling scheme with three levels from 2000 to 500, the scales would have to be: 2000, 1000, and 500. This analyzer would be triggered if you used 1500 instead of 1000.
  • The tile size must be 512 by 512. Although additional sizes are available, the most common tile sizes used in tiling schemes are 256 and 512. Vector tile layers require a tile size of 512.