Manage exploratory analysis template gallery

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Exploratory analysis tool templates are user-defined tool configurations that can be saved and used like the default tools. For example, if you often create viewsheds with the same specific max distance or if Observer From Camera is the creation method you commonly use, either can be configured as a tool template. Templates are listed in the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu in the Workflows group group on the Analysis tab.

Add a new exploratory analysis tool template

You can add a new template to the Interactive Analysis tool gallery by saving your preferred configuration. A template can originate from either a default tool or from an existing template in the gallery.

In the tool pane, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Workflows group, open the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu and click the existing tool from which you want to produce a template.

    The Exploratory Analysis pane appears with the Create tab active.

  2. On the Create tab, set the parameter values and choose the Creation Method as desired for the new template.
  3. Note:

    Method-specific values for the Along a Line and From Layer methods are not saved in tool templates. For example, the specific layer used by From Layer will not be maintained in a template.

  4. Click the menu button Menu in the upper right of the pane and click Add New Template.
  5. Provide a template name and press Enter to save the name and the template.

The template is saved to the project and added to the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu on the Analysis tab.

Update an existing exploratory analysis tool template

Complete the following steps to update the creation method or the creation parameters of an existing template:

  1. Select and activate an existing tool template from the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu. The Exploratory Analysis pane appears with the Create tab active.
  2. Update the creation parameter values and the creation method as desired.
  3. Click the menu button Menu and click Update Template.

The template parameters are updated.

Save a template gallery

Exploratory analysis tool templates are saved in a project, but they can also be saved to an external file to be shared between projects and users.

  1. Select and activate an existing tool template from the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu to open the Exploratory Analysis pane.
  2. Click the menu button Menu in the upper right of the pane.
  3. Click Save template gallery.
  4. On the Save template gallery dialog box, browse to a location to save to and specify a name for the resultant exploratory analysis tools files (.eat).
  5. Click Save to confirm and close the dialog box.

The .eat file is written to the specified location. This file can now be shared with another user or loaded into another project.

Delete an exploratory analysis tool template

You can remove templates from the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu. Before deleting templates, consider saving a backup of the tool gallery first as described in the previous section. You can delete a template in two ways: either directly from the tool list, or from the menu options in the Exploratory Analysis pane.

Right-click the template you want to remove in the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu and click Delete Template. Alternatively, activate the template you want to remove by clicking it in the list and opening the pane. Click the menu button Menu and click Delete Template.

The template is permanently removed from the gallery of tools in the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu.

Load a template gallery

Tool templates can be saved and loaded into a project from an .eat file.

  1. Activate any exploratory analysis tool to open the Exploratory Analysis pane.
  2. Click the menu button Menu and click Load Template Gallery.
  3. On the Load Template Gallery dialog box, browse to the .eat file.
  4. Click OK to confirm and close the dialog box.

The loaded templates now appear in the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu.