An overview of the Features toolset

AllSource 1.1    |

The Features toolset contains tools to create and manage feature-based GIS data, transform features from one geometry type to another, find and correct issues with feature geometry, and record feature geometry measurements and coordinates as attributes.


Add XY Coordinates

Adds the fields POINT_X and POINT_Y to the point input features and calculates their values. It also appends the POINT_Z and POINT_M fields if the input features are Z- and M-enabled.

Calculate Geometry Attributes

Adds information to a feature's attribute fields representing the spatial or geometric characteristics and location of each feature, such as length or area and x-, y-, z-coordinates, and m-values.

Check Geometry

Generates a report of geometry problems in a feature class.

Copy Features

Copies features from the input feature class or layer to a new feature class.

Delete Features

Deletes all or the selected subset of features from the input.

Geodetic Densify

Creates new features by replacing input feature's segments with densified approximations of geodesic segments. Four type of geodesic segments can be constructed: Geodesic, Great Elliptic, Loxodrome, and Normal Section.

Polygon To Line

Creates a feature class containing lines that are converted from polygon boundaries with or without considering neighboring polygons.

Repair Geometry

Inspects features for geometry problems and repairs them. If a problem is found, a repair will be performed, and a one-line description will identify the feature, as well as the geometry problem that was repaired.

XY Table To Point

Creates a point feature class based on x-, y-, and z-coordinates from a table.