Alter Mosaic Dataset Schema (Data Management)


Defines the editing operations that nonowners have when editing a mosaic dataset in an enterprise geodatabase.

This tool prevents schema-locking issues that can occur when a mosaic dataset is stored in an enterprise geodatabase. The owner of the geodatabase runs this tool to create side tables and fields that may be needed by the user. The owner must also grant the proper permissions to allow users to insert, update, or delete records.


  • This tool is only needed when creating a mosaic dataset in an enterprise geodatabase and a nonowner will be editing the mosaic dataset.

  • Use this tool to set up a mosaic dataset that will be published as an image service allowing users to upload or edit the items. A user can only upload data if the raster type is allowed by the mosaic dataset.

  • If a nonowner attempts to perform an operation that is not allowed, the operation will fail.

  • The Raster Types parameter values control the rasters a nonowner can add using the Add Rasters To Mosaic Dataset tool. If the nonowner tries to add a raster type that has not been specified by this tool, the Add Rasters To Mosaic Dataset tool will fail.

  • If you run this tool without choosing any raster types, only the additional mosaic dataset tables will be created. These tables include overview, seamline, color correction, stereo, cell size levels, status, error, and permissions.


LabelExplanationData Type
Mosaic Dataset

The mosaic dataset on which the permitted operations will be changed.

Mosaic Layer

Specifies the operations that will be permissible for the mosaic dataset.

  • AnalysisA nonowner will be allowed to run the Analyze Mosaic Dataset tool on the mosaic dataset.
  • BoundaryA nonowner will be allowed to create or edit the boundary of the mosaic dataset. This is required if a nonowner will add raster datasets outside of the existing boundary.
  • CacheA nonowner will be allowed to create a cache for the mosaic dataset.
  • Color correctionA nonowner will be allowed to color correct the mosaic dataset.
  • DefinitionA nonowner will be allowed to add multidimensional data or a processing template to the mosaic dataset.
  • Levels A nonowner will be allowed to calculate cell size ranges for the mosaic dataset.
  • LogA nonowner will be allowed to create a log table for the mosaic dataset.
  • Overview A nonowner will be allowed to create overviews for the mosaic dataset.
  • SeamlineA nonowner will be allowed to create seamlines for the mosaic dataset.
  • Stereo A nonowner will be allowed to define stereo pairs for the mosaic dataset.
  • ViewA nonowner will be allowed to edit the image service. The Enable Editor Tracking parameter will be automatically activated when this option is specified.
Raster Types

Specifies the raster types that nonowners can add to the mosaic dataset.

To select a custom raster type, provide the location of the custom raster type file.

  • Airborne Digital SensorsThe Leica ADS raster type can be added.
  • AltumThe Altum raster type can be added.
  • ASTERThe ASTER raster type can be added.
  • BlackSkyThe BlackSky raster type can be added.
  • CADRG/ECRGThe CADRG/ECRG raster type can be added.
  • CIBThe CIB raster type can be added.
  • CapellaThe Capella raster type can be added
  • Deimos-2The Deimos-2 raster type can be added.
  • DTEDThe DTED raster type can be added.
  • DMCiiThe DMCii raster type can be added.
  • DubaiSat-2The DubaiSat-2 raster type can be added.
  • FORMOSAT-2The FORMOSAT-2 raster type can be added.
  • Frame CameraThe Frame Camera raster type can be added.
  • GeoEyeThe GeoEye-1 raster type can be added.
  • GF-1 PMSThe GF-1 PMS raster type can be added.
  • GF-1 WFVThe GF-1 WFV raster type can be added.
  • GF-2 PMSThe GF-2 PMS raster type can be added.
  • GF-4 PMIThe GF-4 PMI raster type can be added.
  • GRIBThe GRIB raster type can be added.
  • HDFThe HDF raster type can be added.
  • HJ 1A/HJ 1B CCDThe HJ 1A/HJ 1B CCD raster type can be added.
  • HREThe HRE raster type can be added.
  • ICEYEThe ICEYE raster type can be added.
  • IKONOSThe IKONOS raster type can be added.
  • Jilin-1The Jilin-1 raster type can be added.
  • KOMPSAT-2The KOMPSAT-2 raster type can be added.
  • KOMPSAT-3The KOMPSAT-3 raster type can be added.
  • LASThe LAS raster type can be added.
  • Landsat MSSThe Landsat 1-5 MSS raster type can be added.
  • Landsat TMThe Landsat 4-5 TM raster type can be added.
  • Landsat ETM+The Landsat 7 ETM+ raster type can be added.
  • Landsat 8The Landsat 8 raster type can be added.
  • Landsat 9The Landsat 9 raster type can be added. can be added.
  • MaxarThe Maxar raster type can be added.
  • Match-ATThe Match-AT raster type can be added
  • NITFThe NITF raster type can be added.
  • NetCDFThe NetCDF raster type can be added.
  • NCDRDThe NCDRD raster type can be added.
  • PlanetScopeThe PlanetScope raster type can be added.
  • Pleiades NeoThe Pleiades Neo raster type can be added.
  • Pleiades-1The Pleiades-1 raster type can be added.
  • QuickBirdThe Quickbird raster type can be added.
  • RADARSAT-2The RADARSAT-2 raster type can be added.
  • RCMThe RCM raster type can be added.
  • RapidEyeThe RapidEye raster type can be added.
  • Raster Process DefinitionThe Raster Process Definition raster type can be added.
  • RedEdgeThe RedEdge raster type can be added.
  • SOCET SETThe SOCET SET raster type can be added
  • Scanned aerial imageryThe Scanned Aerial Imagery raster type can be added.
  • Sentinel-1The Sentinel-1 raster type can be added.
  • Sentinel-2The Sentinel-2 raster type can be added.
  • Sentinel-3The Sentinel-3 raster type can be added.
  • SkySat-CThe SkySat-C raster type can be added.
  • Spot 5The SPOT 5 raster type can be added.
  • Spot 6The SPOT 6 raster type can be added.
  • Spot 7The SPOT 7 raster type can be added.
  • SuperView-1The SuperView-1 raster type can be added.
  • TeLEOS-1The TelEOS-1 raster type can be added.
  • TH-01The TH-01 raster type can be added.
  • UAV/UASThe UAV/UAS raster type can be added.
  • WorldView-1The WorldView-1 raster type can be added.
  • WorldView-2 The WorldView-2 raster type can be added.
  • WorldView-3The WorldView-3 raster type can be added.
  • WorldView-4The WorldView-4 raster type can be added.
  • ZY1-02C HRCThe ZY1-02C HRC raster type can be added.
  • ZY1-02C PMSThe ZY1-02C PMS raster type can be added.
  • ZY3-CRESDAThe ZY3-CRESDA raster type can be added.
  • ZY3-SASMACThe ZY3-SASMAC raster type can be added.
Enable Editor Tracking

Specifies whether editor tracking will be activated.

Editor tracking can help you maintain accountability and enforce quality-control standards.

  • Unchecked—Editor tracking will not be activated. This is the default.
  • Checked—Editor tracking will be activated.

If the View option is specified for the Operations parameter, editor tracking will be automatically activated.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Mosaic Dataset

The updated mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer, {side_tables}, {raster_type_names}, {editor_tracking})
NameExplanationData Type

The mosaic dataset on which the permitted operations will be changed.

Mosaic Layer

Specifies the operations that will be permissible for the mosaic dataset.

  • ANALYSISA nonowner will be allowed to run the Analyze Mosaic Dataset tool on the mosaic dataset.
  • BOUNDARYA nonowner will be allowed to create or edit the boundary of the mosaic dataset. This is also required if a nonowner will add rasters outside of the existing boundary.
  • CACHEA nonowner will be allowed to create a cache for the mosaic dataset.
  • COLOR_CORRECTIONA nonowner will be allowed to color correct the mosaic dataset.
  • DEFINITIONA nonowner will be allowed to add multidimensional data or a processing template to the mosaic dataset.
  • LEVELSA nonowner will be allowed to calculate cell size ranges or create seamlines for the mosaic dataset.
  • LOGA nonowner will be allowed to create a log table for the mosaic dataset.
  • OVERVIEWA nonowner will be allowed to create overviews for the mosaic dataset.
  • SEAMLINEA nonowner will be allowed to create seamlines for the mosaic dataset.
  • STEREOA nonowner will be allowed to define stereo pairs for the mosaic dataset.
  • VIEWA nonowner will be allowed to edit the image service. The editor_tracking parameter will be automatically enabled when this option is specified, since the View table must have editor tracking turned on.

Specifies the raster types that nonowners can add to the mosaic dataset.

To select a custom raster type, provide the location of the custom raster type file.

  • ADSThe Leica ADS raster type can be added.
  • AltumThe Altum raster type can be added.
  • ASTERThe ASTER raster type can be added.
  • BlackSkyThe BlackSky raster type can be added.
  • CADRG/ECRGThe CADRG/ECRG raster type can be added.
  • CIBThe CIB raster type can be added.
  • CapellaThe Capella raster type can be added
  • DEIMOS-2The Deimos-2 raster type can be added.
  • DTEDThe DTED raster type can be added.
  • DMCiiThe DMCii raster type can be added.
  • DubaiSat-2The DubaiSat-2 raster type can be added.
  • FORMOSAT-2The FORMOSAT-2 raster type can be added.
  • Frame CameraThe Frame Camera raster type can be added.
  • GeoEye-1The GeoEye-1 raster type can be added.
  • GF-1 PMSThe GF-1 PMS raster type can be added.
  • GF-1 WFVThe GF-1 WFV raster type can be added.
  • GF-2 PMSThe GF-2 PMS raster type can be added.
  • GF-4 PMIThe GF-4 PMI raster type can be added.
  • GRIBThe GRIB raster type can be added.
  • HDFThe HDF raster type can be added.
  • HJ 1A/1B CCDThe HJ 1A/HJ 1B CCD raster type can be added.
  • HREThe HRE raster type can be added.
  • ICEYEThe ICEYE raster type can be added.
  • IKONOSThe IKONOS raster type can be added.
  • Jilin-1The Jilin-1 raster type can be added.
  • KOMPSAT-2The KOMPSAT-2 raster type can be added.
  • KOMPSAT-3The KOMPSAT-3 raster type can be added.
  • LASThe LAS raster type can be added.
  • Landsat 1-5 MSSThe Landsat 1-5 MSS raster type can be added.
  • Landsat 4-5 TMThe Landsat 4-5 TM raster type can be added.
  • Landsat 7 ETM+The Landsat 7 ETM+ raster type can be added.
  • Landsat 8The Landsat 8 raster type can be added.
  • Landsat 9The Landsat 9 raster type can be added. can be added.
  • MAXARThe Maxar raster type can be added.
  • Match-ATThe Match-AT raster type can be added
  • NCDRDThe NCDRD raster type can be added.
  • NITFThe NITF raster type can be added.
  • NetCDFThe NetCDF raster type can be added.
  • PlanetScopeThe PlanetScope raster type can be added.
  • Pleiades NeoThe Pleiades Neo raster type can be added.
  • Pleiades-1The Pleiades-1 raster type can be added.
  • QuickBirdThe Quickbird raster type can be added.
  • RADARSAT-2The RADARSAT-2 raster type can be added.
  • RCMThe RCM raster type can be added.
  • RapidEyeThe RapidEye raster type can be added.
  • Raster Process DefinitionThe Raster Process Definition raster type can be added.
  • RedEdgeThe RedEdge raster type can be added.
  • SOCET SETThe SOCET SET raster type can be added
  • Scanned Aerial ImageryThe Scanned Aerial Imagery raster type can be added.
  • Sentinel-1The Sentinel-1 raster type can be added.
  • Sentinel-2The Sentinel-2 raster type can be added.
  • Sentinel-3The Sentinel-3 raster type can be added.
  • SkySatThe SkySat-C raster type can be added.
  • SPOT 5The SPOT 5 raster type can be added.
  • SPOT 6The SPOT 6 raster type can be added.
  • SPOT 7The SPOT 7 raster type can be added.
  • SuperView-1The SuperView-1 raster type can be added.
  • TeLEOS-1The TelEOS-1 raster type can be added.
  • TH-01The TH-01 raster type can be added.
  • UAV/UASThe UAV/UAS raster type can be added.
  • WorldView-1The WorldView-1 raster type can be added.
  • WorldView-2 The WorldView-2 raster type can be added.
  • WorldView-3The WorldView-3 raster type can be added.
  • WorldView-4The WorldView-4 raster type can be added.
  • ZY1-02C HRCThe ZY1-02C HRC raster type can be added.
  • ZY1-02C PMSThe ZY1-02C PMS raster type can be added.
  • ZY3-CRESDAThe ZY3-CRESDA raster type can be added.
  • ZY3-SASMACThe ZY3-SASMAC raster type can be added.

Specifies whether editor tracking will be enabled.

Editor tracking can help you maintain accountability and enforce quality-control standards.

  • NO_EDITOR_TRACKINGEditor tracking will not be enabled. This is the default.
  • EDITOR_TRACKINGEditor tracking will be enabled.

If the VIEW keyword is specified for the side_tables parameter, editor tracking will be automatically enabled.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer

Code sample

AlterMosaicDatasetSchema example 1 (Python window)

This is a Python sample for the AlterMosaicDatasetSchema function.

import arcpy
AlterMosaicDatasetSchema example 2 (stand-alone script)

This is a Python script sample for the AlterMosaicDatasetSchema function.

#Alter Mosaic Dataset Schema mainly works on SDE mosaic datasets. The 
#selected side tables of mosaic dataset will be created. If there are
#raster type settings, metadata fields will be create for that raster type.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Workspace"
mosaicds = "sdeserver.sde/mosaicds"
rastypes = "QuickBird;IKONOS;Match-AT"

arcpy.AlterMosaicDatasetSchema_management(mosaicds, ops, rastypes)


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.