S-100 Feature Catalogue File (Environment setting)

AllSource 1.1    |

Tools that honor the S-100 Feature Catalogue File environment use the file specified to map objects, attributes, feature classes, and relationships during data import and the creation of database schemas.

Usage notes

  • When using the tool dialog box, file paths are autogenerated using the S-100 feature catalogue file setting.
    • If the S-100 Feature Catalogue File environment is set, the path will be autogenerated.
    • If the S-100 Feature Catalogue File environment is not set, you must set the input parameter for the feature catalogue file.
    • If the S-100 Feature Catalogue File environment is set, the autogenerated file path can be overwritten to supersede the environment.

Dialog syntax

S-100 Feature Catalogue File—The S-100 feature catalogue document that describes the content of a data product and specification.

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.S100FeatureCatalogueFile = catalogue_file



The S-100 feature catalogue document that describes the content of a data product and specification.

S100FeatureCatalogueFile syntax

Script example

import arcpy

# Set the S100FeatureCatalogueFile environment to local file
arcpy.env.S100FeatureCatalogueFile = 'C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/Pro/Resources/Maritime/S-101 ENCs_0.9.1.2.xml'