999999: Something unexpected caused the tool to fail. Contact Esri Technical Support (http://esriurl.com/support) to Report a Bug, and refer to the error help for potential solutions or workarounds.

AllSource 1.0    |


Something unexpected caused the tool to fail, and no exception handling is in place to provide a specific error message. In some cases, this error may include other messages that can help you understand the problem.


This error is considered a bug because there is missing exception handling in the tool. Contact Esri Technical Support to report a bug for your scenario. After reporting the unhandled error to technical support, you can do the following to troubleshoot the error:

  1. Null geometry, short segments, self intersections, and other geometry problems in your feature class may cause this error. Run Repair Geometry to fix any geometry problems.
  2. Check the name you are attempting to use to create output. Nonalphanumeric characters are not supported in a geodatabase. Similarly, geodatabase data names cannot start with a number. The following words are also reserved keywords in the geodatabase, so they cannot be used on their own as a dataset name, though they can be used as part of a longer name:
  3. Check the location where you are attempting to create output. Can you browse to the location in Windows Explorer? Can you copy and paste files into this location outside of ArcGIS? If a Windows dialog box appears with the message that permission is needed to copy files to the location, there is a good chance this is the reason the tool is failing.
  4. If you are working with a very large dataset, you may be able to avoid this error by splitting the data into smaller chunks. Use the Clip (rasters) or Clip (features) tool to make a smaller subset of your data, and run the tool using this subset. If this succeeds, you can create additional subsets of the original data and run the tool using all the subsets.
  5. If you are working with shapefile inputs or outputs, use a file geodatabase instead. You may be encountering a problem specific to shapefiles. You can also try the reverse—export your file geodatabase class to a shapefile and attempt to use the shapefile. For raster data, if you're working with a file-based raster such as a .tif file or an Esri GRID, try to export it to a geodatabase. Conversely, you can also try exporting the raster to a .tif file, and attempt the process again.
  6. If your output data path is very long (containing many subfolders or a very long name), you can try creating the output with a short name in a location near the root of the drive. Do not attempt to create the output in the root of a drive, as modern operating systems usually prevent file and data creation in this location without special or administrative permission.
  7. Try running AllSource in administrator mode. Right-click the application shortcut and select Run as administrator. Perform the task that was previously failing. If the error was caused by access permissions, running as an administrator may allow the operation to complete successfully.
  8. Most geoprocessing tools can successfully use data attributes that are null, but occasionally these null values may cause a problem. You can test this by making a copy of your data, and using Calculate Field to replace any null values with 0 or another chosen value (some use -1 to indicate null). If you're working with raster data, you can use the Con tool to replace any null values with 0 or another chosen value.
  9. Temporary or intermediate data is often written to the C:\Users\{yourUserName}\AppData\Local\Temp location (this location can be accessed by entering %localappdata%\temp into Windows Explorer). Close AllSource, clear the Temp directory, restart the application, and attempt the failed process again.