110033: The study area does not intersect with the input features.

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If you are using one of the Space Time Pattern Mining tools, you have provided a Polygon Analysis Mask whose extent does not overlap with the extent of the space-time cube.

If you are using one of the Spatial Statistics tools, you have provided a Bounding Polygon whose extent does not overlap with the extent of the Input Features.


Most likely you have inadvertently specified the incorrect layer defining your study area.

If that isn't the case check the projection of the points and study area polygon you are providing.

For the Space Time Pattern Mining tools, check the projection of the Polygon Analysis Mask and the original input points used to create the space-time cube. If the projections do not match, try reprojecting the points and the mask so they have the same projection. Then re-create your space-time cube using the projected points.

For the Spatial Statistics tools, check the projection of the Bounding Polygon and the Input Features you are using. If the projections do not match, try reprojecting the points and the polygon so they have the same projection.