010196: PATHDISTANCE: Ambiguous vertical factor parameters.

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Vertical factor parameters define the relationship between the vertical cost factor and the vertical relative moving angle (VRMA). The parameters are composed of a keyword specifying an existing graph or table for a custom graph created from an ASCII file. The keyword parameter can have modifiers, and the entire string needs to be in quotes. Spaces must separate the keyword and modifiers. The format for horizontal parameter modifiers is "modifier_name=value". Valid horizontal keywords are BINARY, LINEAR, SYM_LINEAR, SYM_INVERSE_LINEAR, COS, SEC, COS-SEC, SEC-COS, and TABLE. Valid horizontal factor modifiers to the keywords are ZEROFACTOR, LCUTANGLE, HCUTANGLE, SLOPE, and table_name. For example, a valid vertical factor parameter is "LINEAR SLOPE=0.0111".


The following list of issues identifies how to resolve the most common problems encountered with the vertical factor parameters:

  • Make sure that valid keywords and modifiers are entered.
  • Make sure that if modifiers are used, that the keyword and the modifiers are contained within quotes.
  • Make sure there is a space between the keyword and the modifiers.
  • Make sure that the modifier is identified followed by an equal sign and the value to assign the modifier.
  • No spaces are allowed between the modifier, the equal sign, and the assigned value.