003642: A networking error occurred.

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A networking error occurred. The heap size setting controls the maximum file size that can be provided from the client. Network errors such as this may occur if the payload of a trace operation is larger than what can be accommodated by the default heap size of 64 MB.


Review the Geoprocessing service setting: Advanced properties topic for information about how to update the heap size setting for a utility network service.

To determine the proper heap size setting for a utility network service needed to estimate the total number of junction and edge elements traversed by a trace, consider the following:

  • The default payload size of a trace without results is ~750 bytes.
  • Each additional junction element introduces ~150 bytes.
  • Each additional edge element introduces ~175 bytes.

The following baselines can be used to estimate the proper heap size setting for a utility network service.

  • 64 MB (default) should be sufficient to return ~200,000 edge elements and ~200,000 junction elements.
  • 128 MB should be sufficient to return ~400,000 edge elements and ~400,000 junction elements.
  • 256 MB should be sufficient to return ~800,000 edge elements and ~800,000 junction elements.

The existence of midspan connectivity along a line creates multiple edge elements for a single feature.

  • For example, an edge feature with 9 midspan junctions consists of 10 edge elements requires 2,500 bytes: 750 + 10 * 175 = 2,500.

Similarly, terminal devices return a junction element for each terminal defined.