003102: '<value>' is an invalid custom output field name.

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The specified custom output field name is invalid.


Review the custom output field name and ensure that it adheres to the following naming conventions:

  • Custom output field names can only contain characters a–z, 0–9, and underscores. Do not use spaces, hyphens, parentheses, brackets, and other special characters, such as $, %, and #.
  • Do not use field names that contain words that are typically considered reserved keywords such as data, day, month, table, text, user, when, where, year, and zone. Note that each underlying DBMS can have its own set of reserved keywords.
  • The field name length must comply with the specifications of the particular format.
    • Geodatabase feature class and table field names can be up to 64 characters long.
    • Shapefiles and dBASE field names can be up to 10 characters long.

The underlying DBMS of the Enterprise geodatabase may impose additional restrictions on field names.