003099: Record ObjectID = <value> from the '<value>' input dataset has an empty or incorrect value in the Language Code field. The record will be included with an empty Language Code.

AllSource 1.0    |


A valid language code value was not defined for each feature in the reference data. The language code value is essential when building a locator with multilingual reference data so that the language-specific spelling rules and output formats are included in the locator to prevent incorrect assignment of languages in the geocode results.

If a language code was defined by selecting the '<As defined in data>' option for the Language Code parameter and you assigned a field from the data to the Language Code locator role field in Field Mapping, the field in the data cannot be empty for any records in the dataset.


Use one of the following options to resolve the warning:

  • If all records in the data are in the same language and the language is available in the drop-down list for the Language Code parameter, select the language for this parameter instead of selecting '<As defined in data>'. This will apply the correct language code to every record in the data.
  • If the records in the data are in more than one language, add the missing language codes to the records where this field is empty or missing.