002974: Record ObjectID = <value> from the '<value>' input feature class has empty, zero or null DisplayX/Y fields. Excluding them from the locator.

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Records in the reference data fields assigned to the Display X and Display Y locator role fields have empty, zero, or null values. If the Display X and Display Y locator role fields are assigned to fields in the reference data, it is expected that the reference data contains valid values for each feature. When the values are empty, the Create Locator or Create Feature Locator tool will use the geometry (x,y coordinates of point features, x,y coordinates of the polygon centroids, or x,y coordinate of the midpoint of polyline features) of the reference data to calculate the missing values.


Confirm that empty values in the Display X and Display Y fields of the reference data are expected for the records mentioned in the warning message, and confirm that the output locations returned by the locator for these records are appropriate. You can specify Display X and Display Y values manually for the records with empty values.

For example, you can adjust these values for large POI polygons in which the geometry points to the entrance point or on top of the driveway, but you want the point to appear on the rooftop of the building or at the centroid of the area. In this case, adjust the Display X and Display Y values accordingly.