001370: Failed to extract the service definition to the service's input folder. Common causes are a full disk on the server, the arcgis server account not having permissions, or a path that is too long. Please see the server's log for more details.

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This error occurs after the service definition has been uploaded to the server. It can occur when:

  • Creating the input folder for the service.

    A failure may occur while creating the input folder. Possible causes include permission issues with the ArcGIS Server account, or a path that exceeds the operating system limit.

    The server log reports folders the server could not create.

  • Copying the service definition (.sd) to the input folder.

    Possible causes include not enough available space on disk for the service definition, or a path for the service definition that exceeds the operating system limit.

  • Extracting the service definition

    Possible causes include not enough available space on disk for the extracted files, or a path for one of the extracted files that exceeds the operating system limit.

This server system tool is invoked by the publishing client (for example, ArcGIS Desktop) when you create a service.


You will need to troubleshoot to determine the exact problem and what specific action to take. The server log should identify the path that is creating the problem.

Make sure that the ArcGIS Server account has the proper permissions to this directory.

Make sure that the disk has enough space for the service and data you are loading.

If your path exceeds the limit of the operating system, you can