000816: The tool is not valid.

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The tool cannot be executed. Tools that are considered invalid may show an invalid tool symbol when viewed (Invalid tool or Invalid tool). The tool either cannot be opened or does not exist. Some causes for this error include the following:

  • If the tool is a model, the model is invalid or contains invalid tools.
  • If the tool is a custom tool built by a third-party developer, the tool may not exist in a toolbox or a problem exists with the tool's implementation. In this case, the developer should be notified.


If a repair icon exists, the tool can be repaired by clicking the tool and relocating the tool or toolbox.

  • For model tools, models can be repaired by opening the model and making changes within the model.
  • For custom tools built by third-party developers, ensure that the custom tool (also known as a system tool) is added to a custom toolbox. If there appears to be a problem with the tool's implementation, contact the tool developer.