Modify background colors

AllSource 1.0    |

You can use color to highlight important information in your report or differentiate subsections. You can add, change, or remove background colors for an entire report subsection or format records in a table. Report subsections that support background colors are the Report Header, Page Header, Group Header, Details, Group Footer, Page Footer, and Report Footer. This includes the same subsections of a subreport or related report.

Define subsection background color

You can configure each report subsection to use its own unique background color.

Choose a report subsection from the Contents pane for the open report. On the report subsection ribbon tab of the same name, for example Report Header, in the Appearance group, you can access the color palette for background color.

  1. Select the subsection for which you want to change the background color to activate it.

    You can click directly in the report view or choose a subsection from the Contents pane.

  2. Click the ribbon tab of the same name.
  3. In the Appearance group, click the Background color drop-down menu to open the color palette.
  4. Pick a color to change the background for that subsection.

    The color is updated automatically in the report view.

Alternate background color for records in the report

When editing a report, you can set a row color that will appear on every other record to improve readability when viewing large amounts of information. You can also combine a primary background color and an alternate row color when modifying the appearance of your records.

  1. Select the Details subsection of the report to activate it.
  2. On the Details tab, in the Appearance group, check the Alternate row color check box.
  3. Pick a color to modify the background appearance for every other record.