You can share your favorite symbols by exporting them or import a favorites file that another user created.
Share favorite symbols
You can export your favorites to a file to share.
- Click Edit tab and click Military Symbology Editor
- In the Military Symbology Editor pane, click the Favorites tab.
- Click the Save As button.
- Browse to a location where you have write access.
- Provide a name for your favorites file.
The file extension for a Military Symbology Editor favorites file is .msfav.
- Click Save.
Import favorite symbols
You can import a favorites file created by another user.
- In the Military Symbology Editor pane, click the Favorites tab.
- Click the Import button.
- Browse to the location of the .msfav file.
- Click the .msfav file.
- Click Open.
The new favorite symbols are added to the Favorites tab.