Polyline and polygon construction tools

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In the Create Features pane, feature construction tools for polyline and polygon layers create features using the pointer. Segment construction tools for the active tool are available on the construction toolbar in the map view and above the context menu when you right-click the map.

When you use polyline and polygon construction tools, consider the following:

Polygon feature tools

Polygon feature construction tools are described in the following table:


Polygon Polygon

Create irregular polygon features. Feature geometry can comprise straight and curvilinear segments using the segment tools that appear on the construction toolbar.

Regular Polygon Regular Polygon Tool

Create equilateral polygon features at a specified center point with a specified circumscribed radial distance. The number of segments is a property of the tool.

Freehand Freehand

Create a free-form polygon with the pointer. When you finish the sketch, all segments are converted to Bézier curves.

AutoComplete Polygon Auto-Complete Polygon

Create polygon features adjoined to existing polygon features on the same layer. Coincident segments are automatically generated along any traceable segments between the first and last vertices that are sketched across or touching existing polygon features.

AutoComplete Freehand Polygon Auto-Complete Polygon

Create a free-form polygon with the pointer. When you finish the sketch, all segments are converted to Bézier curves.

Rectangle Rectangle

Create planar rectangular or square features using the pointer or numeric values.

Circle Circle

Create planar circular features using the pointer or numeric values to specify a center and a radius.

Three Point Circle Three-Point Circle

Create planar circular features using the pointer or numeric values to specify three points defining the circumference.

Ellipse Ellipse

Create planar ellipse features using the pointer or numeric values.

Right Angle Polygon Right Angle Segment

Create geometry segments with straight line segments constrained to 90 degrees from each previous segment.

Trace Trace

Create continuous segments that follow the geometry of other features on layers with snapping enabled.

Streaming Streaming

Create a free-form sketch by automatically creating vertices at constant intervals as you drag the pointer. This tool is available on the construction toolbar and context menu when you create a polyline or a polygon feature.

Polyline feature tools

Polyline feature construction tools are described in the following table:


Line Polygon

Create polyline features comprising multiple straight and curvilinear segments.

Two-point Line 2-Point Line

Create two-point line features. The feature is automatically finished when you create the second vertex.

Radial Spider

Create a series of two-point line features that radiate from a common location.

Freehand Freehand

Create a free-form polyline feature that follows the pointer. Clicking the map a second time finishes the feature and automatically converts the segments to a series of Bézier curves.

Right Angle Polygon Right Angle Segment

Create straight segments constrained to 90 degrees from each previous segment.

Split Split

Create a polyline feature across an existing line feature on the same layer and split both lines where they intersect.

Rectangle Rectangle

Create planar rectangular or square features using the pointer or numeric values.

Circle Circle

Create planar circular features using the pointer or numeric values to specify a center and a radius.

Three Point Circle Three-Point Circle

Create planar circular features using the pointer or numeric values to specify three points defining the circumference.

Ellipse Ellipse

Create planar ellipse features using the pointer or numeric values.

Trace Trace

Create continuous segments that follow the geometry of other features on layers with snapping enabled.

Streaming Streaming

Create a free-form sketch by automatically creating vertices at constant intervals as you drag the pointer. This tool is available on the construction toolbar and context menu when you create a polyline or a polygon feature.