Once you determine the correct geoprocessing toolto use, open it, provide parameter values, and run it.
Geoprocessing tool parameters are a set of options or settings, such as the input data to process, output dataset, and so on, that affect how the tool runs. Every tool has a unique set of parameters. To learn about each tool parameter, hover over the information button next to the parameter.
Parameters can be required or optional.
- Required parameters are indicated by a red asterisk
. You must provide information for required parameters for the tool to run successfully.
- Optional parameters can be left blank or unmodified to use a default behavior.
Geoprocessing tools include input and output parameters. Input parameters can reference data or control what the tool does. You can specify the input data to be processed in a number of ways, including the following:
- Select a layer from a list of map layers. If the layer has a selection, only the selected features are processed.
- Browse to a dataset in a project database or connection using the browse button
- Create input features interactively using the interactive input button

For input parameters that are not data based, you typically specify a number, check a check box, or select an option from a list.
Some parameters types, such as multiple values, geographic extent, expression, and field map, require additional interaction.
An output parameter is typically the location of a new dataset or resulting value to be created by the tool. For output dataset parameters, an output location and name are usually automatically set, but you can change the path of the dataset or browse using the browse button . The output location that is automatically set is based on the current or scratch workspace.
Reset parameter settings
To reset a tool to its default parameter value, do the following:
- Open a tool.
The tools parameters and environments appear in the Geoprocessing pane
- Open the Run menu at the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane.
- Select Reset Parameters.
You can modify additional options on the Environments tab that affect the tool. All geoprocessing environment settings are optional. Only the environments that apply to the specific open tool appear on the Environments tab.
Environment options that you set on the Environments tab are applied to that specific run of the tool. If you reopen the tool from the geoprocessing history, the environment settings are retained; otherwise, the environment settings reflect the default value. To apply the same environments to all geoprocessing performed in a project, click View > Geoprocessing > Environments and set them in the Environments window.
Learn more about geoprocessing environment settings
The Environments tab may not appear when a tool is opened in a floating window from a ribbon button or UI command. Set the project environments in the Environments window described above to apply environment settings when necessary.
Run a tool
You can use geoprocessing tools to analyze and manage data in a project. To run a tool, do the following:
- Open a tool.
The tools parameters and environments appear in the Geoprocessing pane.
- Fill in the parameters and environments.
- Click the Run button
at the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane.
Schedule a tool
To schedule a tool to run at a later date and time, do the following:
- Open a tool.
- Click the Run menu and click Schedule.
The Schedule pop-up appears.
- Fill in the task name and time you want the tool to run.
Use the Copy Python Command option
To copy a Python command snippet that you can use to run the tool in Python with the currently specified parameters and environments, do the following:
- Open the Run menu.
- Select Copy Python Command.
The command is placed on the clipboard.
- Paste the command into the Python window, a notebook, or other Python interface.
The tool does not need to have been previously run to copy the Python command snippet. However, you must specify the required parameter values before using the Copy Python Command option.
Python commands can also be copied from geoprocessing history entries.
Progress and messages
When a tool is running, a progress bar appears that shows completion percentage, and a cancel button is available to stop processing.
Hover over the progress bar to display a pop-up window containing information about the tool that is running, such as messages, run time, and the tool settings. Alternatively, click View Details to access the same information in a detached window, or click Open History to open the project's geoprocessing history.
When the tool is finished running, any output layers are added to the map and the progress bar displays an icon and message that indicate the tool status.
Icon | Status |
![]() | The tool completed successfully. |
![]() | The tool completed with warnings. Click View Details or hover over the warning icon |
![]() | The tool failed. Click View Details or hover over the error icon |
Once the tool has finished running, click the Back button at the top of the Geoprocessing pane to return to the last page you viewed.
Geoprocessing and main application threads
A tool typically runs in a background thread dedicated to geoprocessing. This enables the application and map to remain available for other tasks while the tool is running, which is especially important if you are running a tool that takes a long time to complete. There are several cases when a tool does not run in the geoprocessing thread, which causes the tool to run in the main application thread and lock the application for the duration of the tool run time. In this situation, other tasks cannot be performed until the tool has completed. The following cases lock the application until the tool has completed:
- Running a tool in the Python window.
- Running a tool in an ArcGIS AllSource add-in may or lock the application, depending on the methods and properties of the tools set in the add-in.
- Running a tool when there are pending edits.
- Running a model interactively in ModelBuilder.
- Running a tool from a floating windowopened from a ribbon button or UI command may lock the application, depending on the methods and properties of the tools set by the button or command developer.
History and recent tools
When a tool is run from the Geoprocessing pane or the Python window, an entry is added to the project's geoprocessing history with details on when the tool was run, the settings that were used, whether the tool completed successfully, and any information, warning, or error messages.
The Favorites tab in the Geoprocessing pane includes a Recent section that lists tools you have recently run.
If one of the tools you recently ran is a favorite, the tool is not duplicated in the Recent section.Open and run multiple tools
You can open multiple tools, see a list of the open tools, and switch between them in the Geoprocessing pane. To open multiple tools, at least one tool must be open before you open additional tools.
- Click the Add button
in the upper right corner of the Geoprocessing pane to open a menu that lists all open tools.
- Select Open Another Tool.
The Geoprocessing pane returns to the previous page and adds the name of the first opened tool to the list of open tools. All changes to the previous tool are saved and are loaded when the tool is reopened from this menu.
- Search for or select another tool and open it.
- Click the Add button
in the upper right corner of the Geoprocessing pane.
You can switch between open tools without affecting progress, as the parameter and environment settings are maintained as long as the tool remains in the open tool list.
When you run multiple tools, they are added to a queue of running tools in the geoprocessing history. If you attempt to run a tool while another tool is running, the second tool remains in a pending state until the first tool completes, at which time the pending tool begins its run automatically.