Time Series Smoothing (Spatial Statistics)

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Smooths a numeric variable of one or more time series using centered, forward, and backward moving averages, as well as an adaptive method based on local linear regression. After smoothing short-term fluctuations, longer-term trends or cycles often become apparent.

Learn more about how Time Series Smoothing works


Time Series Smoothing tool illustration
Smooth the values of a time series.


  • You can append the smoothed value fields to the input features or table using the Append Fields To Input Data parameter. If you append the fields to the input, the output coordinate system environment will be ignored. If the input features or table have joined fields, you cannot append to the input data and must create a new output.

  • The Time Field parameter specifies the time of each input record. There cannot be more than one value at the same time in the same time series.

  • The Analysis Field parameter specifies the values that will be smoothed. When smoothing a value of the analysis field, only nonnull values within the time window are used. If all values of the analysis field are null within a time window, the smoothed value will be null.

  • Multiple time series can be specified using the Grouping Method parameter. You can group all values at the same location into the same time series, group values using an ID field, or group all values into the same time series.

  • Due to leap years and differing days of the month, if the Time Window parameter unit is years or months, the time value must be an integer. For example 1.5 months results in a different time window depending on the month. For forward and backward moving averages, the time window can be any positive integer. For centered moving averages and adaptive bandwidth local linear regression, the time window must be a positive even integer so that when it is split on each side of the record being smoothed, each side results in a positive integer.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features or Table

The features or table containing the time series data and the field to smooth.

Feature Layer; Table View
Time Field

The field containing the time of each record.

Analysis Field

The field containing the values that will be smoothed.

Grouping Method

Specifies the method that will be used to group records into different time series. Smoothing is performed independently for each time series.

  • By locationFeatures at the same location will be grouped in the same time series. This is the default.
  • By ID fieldRecords with the same value of the ID field will be grouped in the same time series.
  • NoneAll records will be in the same time series.
Smoothing Method

Specifies the smoothing method that will be used.

  • Backward moving averageThe smoothed value is the average of the record and the values within the time window before it. This is the default.
  • Centered moving averageThe smoothed value is the average of the record and the values before and after it. Half of the time window is used before the time of the record, and half is used after.
  • Forward moving averageThe smoothed value is the average of the record and the values within the time window after it.
  • Adaptive bandwidth local linear regressionThe smoothed value is the result of a local linear regression centered at the record. The size of the time window is optimized for each record.
Time Window

The length of the time window. The value can be provided in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. For backward, forward, and centered moving averages, the value and unit must be provided. For adaptive bandwidth local linear regression, the value can be left empty and a time window will be estimated independently for each value. Values that fall on the border of the time window are included within the window. For example, if you have daily data and you use a backward moving average with a time window of four days, five values will be included in the window when smoothing a record: the value of the record and the values of the four previous days.

Time Unit
Append fields to input data

Specifies whether output fields will be appended to the input dataset or saved as a new output table or feature class. If you choose to append the fields to the input, the output coordinate system environment will be ignored.

  • Checked—The output fields will be appended to the input features. This option modifies the input data.
  • Unchecked—The output fields will not be appended to the input. An output table or a feature class will be created containing the output fields. This is the default.

Output Features

The output features containing the smoothed values as well as fields for the time window and number of neighbors.

Feature Class; Table
ID Field

The integer or text field containing a unique ID for each time series. All records with the same value of this field are part of the same time series.

Apply shorter time window at start and end

Specifies whether the time window will be shortened at the start and end of each time series.

  • Checked—The time window will be shortened at the start and end of the time series so that the time window does not extend before the start or after the end of the time series.
  • Unchecked—The time window will not be shortened. If the time window extends before the start or after the end of the time series, the smoothed value will be null. This is the default.

Enable time series pop-ups

Specifies whether the output features or table will include pop-up charts showing the original and smoothed values of the time series.

  • Checked—The output will include pop-up charts. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—The output will not include pop-up charts.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Features or Table

The updated input table or feature class with the output fields appended.

Feature Class, Table