Contour (Spatial Analyst)

Available with Spatial Analyst license.

Available with 3D Analyst license.


Creates a feature class of contours from a raster surface.

Learn more about how Contouring works


  • Contours do not extend beyond the spatial extent of the raster, and they are not generated in areas of NoData. Edgematch adjacent contour inputs into a continuous feature dataset first. As an alternative to edgematching, you can merge the adjacent rasters before computing contours.

    However, the contour polygons are extrapolated to the outer edge of the raster when Contour type is not equal to Contour.

  • Contours can be generated in areas of negative raster values. The contour values will be negative in such areas. Negative contour intervals are not allowed.

  • Smoother but less accurate contours can be obtained by preprocessing the input raster using the Focal Statistics tool with the Mean option or the Filter tool with the Low option.

  • A base contour is used, for example, to create contours every 15 meters, starting at 10 meters. In this case, 10 is used for the base contour and 15 is the contour interval. The values to be contoured are 10, 25, 40, 55, and so on.

  • Specifying a base contour does not prevent contours from being created above or below that value.

  • Contour type is used to produce either contour lines or polygons. For example, if you have a raster with values between 0 and 575 and your contour interval is 250, the following are the various output feature classes that will be created. The actual output is presented, as well as the individual component polygons separately.

    • CONTOUR—Lines at 250 and 500
    • CONTOUR_POLYGON—Nonoverlapping polygons between 0-250, 250-500, and 500-575 (Fig. 1)

      Polygons between 0-250, 250-500, and 500-575

      Figure 1. The Contour polygon option creates three nonoverlapping polygons between 0-250, 250-500, and 500-575.

    • CONTOUR_SHELL—Overlapping polygons between 0-575, 0-500, and 0-250 (Fig. 2)

      Polygons between 0-575, 0-500, and 0-250

      Figure 2. The Contour shell option creates three overlapping polygons between 0-575, 0-500, and 0-250.

    • CONTOUR_SHELL_UP—Overlapping polygons between 0-575, 250-575, and 500-575 (Fig. 3)

      Polygons between 0-575, 250-575, and 500-575

      Figure 3. The Contour shell up option creates three overlapping polygons between 0-575, 250-575, and 500-575.

  • The Maximum vertices per feature parameter can be used to subdivide a feature. This should only be used when output features would contain a very large number of vertices (many millions). This parameter produces similar output to that created by the Dice tool.

    This parameter is intended as a way to subdivide extremely large features that can cause issues later on, for example, when storing, analyzing, or drawing the features.

    Choosing a limit is dependent on the available memory on the machine where the tool is being run and the size of the feature (larger features require more memory). Most modern machines running 64-bit software do not typically have issues with individual features containing hundreds of thousands or millions of vertices. If you do encounter any problems, setting this parameter to a large value, such as 1 million, may alleviate issues due to the size of a feature.

    The vertex limit parameter can be used to subdivide a feature. This should only be used when output features would contain a very large number of vertices (many millions).

  • By default, this tool will take advantage of multicore processors. The maximum number of cores that can be used is four.

    To use fewer cores, use the Parallel Processing Factor environment setting.

  • If the Extent environment is specified and the lower left corner of the output extent does not match any cell corner of the input raster, a shift of the cell alignment of the input raster will occur during processing to match the specified extent. This shift will trigger a resampling of the input raster using the Bilinear method. Consequently, the output features will shift as well, and the resultant output features may not overlay the original input raster exactly. You can avoid this shift by using the input raster for the Snap Raster environment.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input raster

The input surface raster.

Raster Layer
Output feature class

The output contour features.

Feature Class
Contour interval

The interval, or distance, between contour lines.

This can be any positive number.

Base contour

The base contour value.

Contours are generated above and below this value as needed to cover the entire value range of the input raster. The default is zero.

Z factor

The unit conversion factor used when generating contours. The default value is 1.

The contour lines are generated based on the z-values in the input raster, which are often measured in units of meters or feet. With the default value of 1, the contours will be in the same units as the z-values of the input raster. To create contours in a unit other than that of the z-values, set an appropriate value for the z-factor. It is not necessary to have the ground x,y and surface z-units be consistent for this tool.

For example, if the elevation values in the input raster are in feet, but you want the contours to be generated based on units of meters, set the z-factor to 0.3048 (1 foot = 0.3048 meter).

For another example, consider an input raster in WGS84 geographic coordinates and elevation units of meters for which you want to generate contour lines every 100 feet with a base of 50 feet (so the contours will be 50 ft, 150 ft, 250 ft, and so on). To do this, set Contour interval to 100, Base contour to 50, and Z factor to 3.2808 (1 meter = 3.2808 feet).

Contour type

Specifies the type of output. The output can represent the contours as either lines or polygons. There are several options for polygons.

  • ContourA polyline feature class of contours (isolines). This is the default.
  • Contour polygonA polygon feature class of filled contours.
  • Contour shellA polygon feature class in which the upper bound of the polygon increases cumulatively by the interval value. The lower bound remains constant at the raster minimum.
  • Contour shell upA polygon feature class in which the lower bound of the polygon increases cumulatively, from the raster minimum, by the interval value. The upper bound remains constant at the raster maximum.
Maximum vertices per feature

The vertex limit when subdividing a feature. This should only be used when output features contain a very large number of vertices (many millions).

This parameter is intended as a way to subdivide extremely large features that can cause issues later on, for example, when storing, analyzing, or drawing the features.

If left empty, the output features will not be split. The default is empty.


Contour(in_raster, out_polyline_features, contour_interval, {base_contour}, {z_factor}, {contour_type}, {max_vertices_per_feature})
NameExplanationData Type

The input surface raster.

Raster Layer

The output contour features.

Feature Class

The interval, or distance, between contour lines.

This can be any positive number.


The base contour value.

Contours are generated above and below this value as needed to cover the entire value range of the input raster. The default is zero.


The unit conversion factor used when generating contours. The default value is 1.

The contour lines are generated based on the z-values in the input raster, which are often measured in units of meters or feet. With the default value of 1, the contours will be in the same units as the z-values of the input raster. To create contours in a unit other than that of the z-values, set an appropriate value for the z-factor. It is not necessary to have the ground x,y and surface z-units be consistent for this tool.

For example, if the elevation values in the input raster are in feet, but you want the contours to be generated based on units of meters, set the z-factor to 0.3048 (1 foot = 0.3048 meter).

For another example, consider an input raster in WGS84 geographic coordinates and elevation units of meters for which you want to generate contour lines every 100 feet with a base of 50 feet (so the contours will be 50 ft, 150 ft, 250 ft, and so on). To do this, set contour_interval to 100, base_contour to 50, and z_factor to 3.2808 (1 meter = 3.2808 feet).


Specifies the type of output. The output can represent the contours as either lines or polygons. There are several options for polygons.

  • CONTOURA polyline feature class of contours (isolines). This is the default.
  • CONTOUR_POLYGONA polygon feature class of filled contours.
  • CONTOUR_SHELLA polygon feature class in which the upper bound of the polygon increases cumulatively by the interval value. The lower bound remains constant at the raster minimum.
  • CONTOUR_SHELL_UPA polygon feature class in which the lower bound of the polygon increases cumulatively, from the raster minimum, by the interval value. The upper bound remains constant at the raster maximum.

The vertex limit when subdividing a feature. This should only be used when output features contain a very large number of vertices (many millions).

This parameter is intended as a way to subdivide extremely large features that can cause issues later on, for example, when storing, analyzing, or drawing the features.

If left empty, the output features will not be split. The default is empty.


Code sample

Contour example 1 (Python window)

This example creates contours from an Esri Grid raster and outputs them as a shapefile.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env  
from import *
env.workspace = "C:/sapyexamples/data"
Contour("elevation", "C:/sapyexamples/output/outcontours.shp", 200, 0)
Contour example 2 (stand-alone script)

This example creates contours from an Esri Grid raster and outputs them as a shapefile.

# Name:
# Description: Creates contours or isolines from a raster surface.
# Requirements: Spatial Analyst Extension

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/sapyexamples/data"

# Set local variables
inRaster = "elevation"
contourInterval = 200
baseContour = 0
outContours = "C:/sapyexamples/output/outcontours02.shp"

# Execute Contour
Contour(inRaster, outContours, contourInterval, baseContour)