Find Overlaps (Intelligence)

AllSource 1.0    |


Finds overlapping areas in a feature class and provides a count for the number of overlaps.


  • Input Features must be a simple polygon feature class. Complex features such as annotation classes and utility networks are not supported.

  • Input Features with the same Group Field values will be intersected together; other areas are ignored.

  • One centroid is created for the intersection of each group in Output Centroid features.

  • Output Intersections includes a field named overlaps that represents the count of overlapping polygons from Input Features.

  • If the Group Field parameter is not specified, all input areas will be intersected and a single centroid created.

  • Null values and empty string values in the Group Field parameter are ignored and not included in the analysis.

  • Any area that is occupied by two or more features is considered an overlap. Features in a group are considered separately from features in other groups. Single features cannot overlap.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The input polygon features for which overlaps will be computed.

Feature Layer
Output Intersections

The output intersection areas.

Feature Class
Output Centroids

The output centroid locations of the Output Intersections features.

Feature Class
Group Field

The Input Features group field.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.