Compare Areas (Intelligence)

AllSource 1.0    |


Compares movement point tracks across multiple known areas of interest.


  • The tool is used to find the number of unique point track identities operating in known areas. To compare areas across location and time, time must be enabled on the values (layers) of both the Input Point Features and Input Area Features parameters.

    Learn more about setting time properties on data

  • If the Relationship parameter is set to Location and Time, the ability to specify certain time relationships is supported by the Time Relationship parameter. You can use the Near, Near before, or Near after option to filter features by a value specified for the Time Difference parameter.

  • The Output Feature Class parameter will return an area feature class with the input geometries and the unique identifiers from the Point Features Name Field and Area Features Name Field parameters.

  • If the Include Time Statistics parameter is checked, the following fields will be added to the Output Feature Class parameter value:

    • enter_time—The first observed time instance of the specified track in the given area feature
    • exit_time—The last observed time instance of the specified track in the given area feature
    • duration—The time in seconds from the first observed time until the last observed time of the specified track in the given area feature


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Point Features

The point features representing the movement track points. The layer can be time enabled.

Feature Layer
Input Area Features

The area features representing the areas of interest that will be used to identify unique movement track point identifiers. The layer can be time enabled.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output area feature class. The output will contain a copy of the Input Area Features geometry and the unique identifiers from the Area Features Name Field and Point Features Name Field parameters.

If both the Input Point Features and Input Area Features parameter values are time enabled and Relationship is set to Location and Time, only the features matching the geometry and the time span will be returned.

Feature Layer
Point Features Name Field

The field containing the unique identifiers for the movement track points. The field can be either a number or a string.

Area Features Name Field

The field containing the unique identifiers for the areas of interest. The field can be either a number or a string.


Specifies the relationship between the inputs.

  • Location Only Points and area features will be evaluated based on spatial co-occurrence.
  • Location and Time Points and area features will be evaluated based on spatial and temporal co-occurrence.
Time Difference

The time allowed between the Input Point Features and Input Area Features parameter values before a spatial relationship is considered invalid. This parameter is active when the Relationship parameter is set to Location and Time and both inputs are time enabled.

Time Unit
Time Relationship

Specifies the time relationship between the Input Point Features and Input Area Features parameter values.

This parameter is active when the Relationship parameter is set to Location and Time and both inputs are time enabled. If the Near before or Near after option is specified, only features in the Input Point Features parameter value that are within the specified time window will be evaluated for inclusion in the Output Feature Class parameter value.

  • Near When a point feature time is within a specified range of time from the area feature time, the point feature time is near the area feature time.
  • Near beforeWhen a point feature time is before the area feature time but within a specified range of time from the join time, the point feature time is near before the area feature time.
  • Near afterWhen a point feature time is after the area feature time but within a specified range of time from the join time, the point feature time is near after the area feature time.
  • Near When a point feature time is within a specified range of time from the area feature time, the point feature time is near the area feature time.
  • Near beforeWhen a point feature time is before the area feature time but within a specified range of time from the join time, the point feature time is near before the area feature time.
  • Near afterWhen a point feature time is after the area feature time but within a specified range of time from the join time, the point feature time is near after the area feature time.
Include Time Statistics

Specifies whether time statistics fields will be added.

  • Include time statisticsTime statistics fields will be added to the output.
  • Exclude time statisticsTime statistics fields will not be added to the output.