Train Using AutoDL (GeoAI)

AllSource 1.0    |

Available with Image Analyst license.


Trains a deep learning model by building training pipelines and automating much of the training process. This includes data augmentation, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and batch size deduction. Its outputs include performance metrics of the best model on the training data, as well as the trained deep learning model package (.dlpk file) that can be used as input for the Extract Features Using AI Models tool to predict on a new imagery.

Learn more about how AutoDL works


  • You must install the proper deep learning framework for Python in AllSource.

    Learn how to install deep learning frameworks for ArcGIS

  • If you will be training models in a disconnected environment, see Additional Installation for Disconnected Environment for more information.

  • The time it takes for the tool to produce the trained model depends on the following:

    • The amount of data provided during training
    • The AutoDL Mode parameter value
    • The Total Time Limit (Hours) parameter value

    By default, the timer for all modes is set at 2 hours. The Basic mode will train the selected networks on the default backbone within the given time. The Advanced mode will divide the total time into two halves, perform the model evaluation in the first half, and finally pick the top two performing models for evaluating on other backbones. If the amount of data being trained is large, all the selected models may not be evaluated within 2 hours. In such cases, the best performing model determined within 2 hours will be considered the optimum model. You can then either use this model or rerun the tool with a higher Total Time Limit (Hours) parameter value.

  • This tool can also be used to fine-tune an existing trained model. For example, an existing model that has been trained for cars can be fine-tuned to train a model that identifies trucks.

  • To run this tool, a GPU-equipped machine is required. If you have more than one GPU, use the GPU ID environment.

  • The input training data for this tool must include the images and labels folders that are generated from the Export Training Data For Deep Learning tool.

  • Potential use cases for the tool include training object detection and pixel classification models for extracting features such as building footprint, pools, solar panels, land cover classification, and so on.

  • For information about requirements for running this tool and issues you may encounter, see Deep Learning frequently asked questions.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Training Data

The folders containing the image chips, labels, and statistics required to train the model. This is the output from the Export Training Data For Deep Learning tool. The metadata format of the exported data must be Classified_Tiles, PASCAL_VOC_rectangles, or KITTI_rectangles.

Output Model

The output trained model that will be saved as a deep learning package (.dlpk file).

Pretrained Model

A pretrained model that will be used to fine-tune the new model. The input is an Esri model definition file (.emd) or a deep learning package file (.dlpk).

A pretrained model with similar classes can be fine-tuned to fit the new model. The pretrained model must have been trained with the same model type and backbone model that will be used to train the new model.

Total Time Limit (Hours)

The total time limit in hours it will take for AutoDL model training. The default is 2 hours.

AutoDL Mode

Specifies the AutoDL mode that will be used and how intensive the AutoDL search will be.

  • BasicThe basic mode will be used. This mode is used to train all selected networks without hyperparameter tuning.
  • Advanced The advanced mode will be used. This mode is used to perform hyperparameter tuning on the top two performing models.
Neural Networks

Specifies the architectures that will be used to train the model.

By default, all the networks will be used.

  • SingleShotDetectorThe SingleShotDetector architecture will be used to train the model. SingleShotDetector is used for object detection.
  • RetinaNetThe RetinaNet architecture will be used to train the model. RetinaNet is used for object detection.
  • FasterRCNNThe FasterRCNN architecture will be used to train the model. FasterRCNN is used for object detection.
  • YOLOv3The YOLOv3 architecture will be used to train the model. YOLOv3 is used for object detection.
  • HRNetThe HRNet architecture will be used to train the model. HRNet is used for pixel classification.
  • ATSSThe ATSS architecture will be used to train the model. ATSS is used for object detection.
  • CARAFEThe CARAFE architecture will be used to train the model. CARAFE is used for object detection.
  • CascadeRCNNThe CascadeRCNN architecture will be used to train the model. CascadeRCNN is used for object detection.
  • CascadeRPNThe CascadeRPN architecture will be used to train the model. CascadeRPN is used for object detection.
  • DCNThe DCN architecture will be used to train the model. DCN is used for object detection.
  • DeepLabThe DeepLab architecture will be used to train the model. DeepLab is used for pixel classification.
  • UnetClassifierThe UnetClassifier architecture will be used to train the model. UnetClassifier is used for pixel classification.
  • PSPNetClassifierThe PSPNetClassifier architecture will be used to train the model. PSPNetClassifier is used for pixel classification.
  • ANNThe ANN architecture will be used to train the model. ANN is used for pixel classification.
  • APCNetThe APCNet architecture will be used to train the model. APCNet is used for pixel classification.
  • CCNetThe CCNet architecture will be used to train the model. CCNet is used for pixel classification.
  • CGNetThe CGNet architecture will be used to train the model. CGNet is used for pixel classification.
Save Evaluated Models

Specifies whether all evaluated models will be saved.

  • Checked—All evaluated models will be saved.
  • Unchecked—Only the best performing model will be saved. This is the default.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Model File

The output model file.

