Predict Using AutoML (GeoAI)

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Predicts continuous variables (regression) or categorical variables (classification) on unseen compatible datasets using a trained .dlpk model produced by the Train Using AutoML tool.

Learn more about how AutoML works


  • You must install the proper deep learning framework for Python in AllSource.

    Learn how to install deep learning frameworks for ArcGIS

  • The input is an Esri model definition file (.emd) or a deep learning package file (.dlpk), which can be created using the Train Using AutoML tool.

  • A Spatial Analyst license is required to use rasters as explanatory variables or to predict to an Output Prediction Surface.

  • For information about requirements for running this tool and issues you may encounter, see Deep Learning frequently asked questions.


LabelExplanationData Type
Model Definition

The .dlpk file or the .emd file.

Prediction Type

Specifies the output file type that will be created.

  • Predict featureA feature layer containing the prediction values will be created. The Output Prediction Features value is required for this option.
  • Predict rasterA raster layer containing the prediction values will be created. The Output Prediction Surface value is required for this option.
Input Prediction Features

The features for which the prediction will be obtained. The input should include some or all the fields necessary to determine the dependent variable value. This parameter is required if the Prediction Type parameter is set to Predict feature.

Feature Layer; Table View; Feature Class
Explanatory Rasters

A list of rasters that contain the explanatory rasters necessary to determine the dependent variable value. This parameter is required if the Prediction Type parameter is set to Predict raster.

Raster Layer
Distance Features

The point or polygon features whose distances from the input training features will be estimated automatically and added as explanatory variables. Distances will be calculated from each of the input explanatory training distance features to the nearest input training features. If the input explanatory training distance features are polygons, the distance attributes will be calculated as the distance between the closest segments of the pair of features.

Feature Layer
Output Prediction Features

The output table or feature class.

Feature Class; Table
Output Prediction Surface

The path to where the output prediction raster will be saved.

Match Explanatory Variables

The mapping of field names from the prediction set to the training set. Use this parameter if the field names of the training and prediction sets are different. The values are the field names in the prediction dataset that match the field names in the input feature class.

Value Table
Match Distance Variables

The mapping of distance feature names from the prediction set to the training set. Use this parameter if the distance feature names used in the training and prediction sets are different. The string values are the feature names that were used for prediction that match the distance features names used for training.

Value Table
Match Explanatory Rasters

The mapping of names from the prediction rasters to the training rasters. Use this parameter if the names of the explanatory rasters used for prediction and the names of the corresponding rasters used during training are different. The string values are the explanatory raster names that were used for prediction that match the explanatory raster names used for training.

Value Table
Get explanation for every prediction

Specifies whether fields representing feature importance will be added.

  • Checked—Fields representing feature importance will be added. Fields will be generated for every predicted sample along with the prediction values.
  • Unchecked—Fields representing feature importance will not be generated. This is the default.
