Generate Raster Collection (Data Management)

AllSource 1.0    |


Performs batch analysis or processing on image collections contained in a mosaic dataset. The images in the input mosaic dataset can be processed individually or as groups.

The rules of processing can be defined through the Collection Builder parameter and raster function parameters. It generates a new mosaic dataset of processed images. You can optionally choose to save the processed images to disk as separate files. The default condition is to append the input raster function to the mosaic dataset's existing images' function chain, and add it to the output mosaic dataset.


  • The output of this tool is a mosaic dataset with the raster function template (RFT) applied to each raster item. Since the optional parameters affect the output, you need to properly define the parameters in order to obtain the correct output.

  • If you want to generate separate image files with an RFT applied, you must define an output workspace. An RFT can be created using the Raster Function Editor.


LabelExplanationData Type
Output Raster Collection

The full path of the mosaic dataset to be created. The mosaic dataset must be stored in a geodatabase.

Mosaic Dataset
Collection Builder

The input image collection. It can be seen as a template that contains arguments such as the source mosaic dataset path, filters to extract a subset from the input data source, and so on.

Currently, this tool only supports Simple Collection, which allows you to define a single data source and a query filter, for the data source.

  • Simple collectionAllows you to define a data source and a query filter.
Collection Builder Arguments

The list of arguments to create a subset collection of the mosaic dataset.

This tool only supports the data source and filter to subset the mosaic dataset. The Data Source and Where Clause values must be completed, otherwise the tool cannot be executed.

  • Data SourceThe path of the data source.
  • Where ClauseThe filter used to subset the mosaic dataset.
Value Table
Input Raster Function

The path to a raster function template file (.rft.xml or .rft.json). The raster function template will be applied to every item in the input mosaic dataset. The Function Editor can be used to create the template. If no RFT is defined, this tool will create the output mosaic based on the Collection Builder Arguments parameter.

String; File
Raster Function Arguments

The parameters associated with the function chain.

For example, if the function chain applies the NDVI function, set the visible and infrared IDs. The raster variable name of the RFT should be the Tag field value in the input data source.

Value Table
Raster Collection Properties

The output mosaic dataset key properties.

The key metadata properties that are available is based on the type of sensor that captured the imagery. Some examples of key metadata properties include the following:

  • SensorName
  • ProductName
  • AcquisitionDate
  • CloudCover
  • SunAzimuth
  • SunElevation
  • SensorAzimuth
  • SensorElevation
  • Off-nadirAngle
  • BandName
  • MinimumWavelength
  • MaximumWavelength
  • RadianceGain
  • RadianceBias
  • SolarIrradiance
  • ReflectanceGain
  • ReflectanceBias

Value Table
Generate Rasters

Generate raster dataset files of the mosaic dataset items, after the application of the RFT.

  • Unchecked—The processing defined by the raster function template will be appended to the image items from the input data source to produce an image item in the output mosaic dataset. This is the default.
  • Checked—Create raster datasets on disk. You will also need to specify the Output Raster Workspace and Format.

Output Raster Workspace

Defines the output location for the persisted raster datasets, if the Generate Rasters parameter is checked on.

The naming convention for the output raster files is oid_<oid#>_<Unique_GUID>.

Folder; String

The format type of the raster to be generated.

  • TiffTagged Image File Format (TIFF)
  • CRFCloud Raster Format. This is the default.
  • MRFMeta Raster Format
Output Base Name

Defines the output base name of the persisted raster datasets, if the Generate Rasters parameter is checked on. Multiple raster dataset outputs will have a number alias appended to their base name.

The resulting mosaic dataset will reference the CRF directly without maintaining the raster function chain.
