Export Mosaic Dataset Items (Data Management)

AllSource 1.0    |


Saves a copy of processed images in a mosaic dataset to a specified folder and raster file format.

There are two common workflows that use this tool:

  • Export each selected item of a mosaic dataset to a new file. This allows you to have each processed item as a stand-alone file. You must set the appropriate NoData value for the exported items so there are no dark borders.
  • Export each selected image within a time series mosaic dataset based on an area of interest. This allows you to only export the area of interest from each time slice.


  • By default, all items will be exported to the specified folder. Use the Query Definition parameter or interactively select specific records in the mosaic dataset to export a subset of the images.

  • The images will be exported with all the processing from the function chains applied. Only the function chains at the item level are applied; function chains at the mosaic dataset level are ignored. This tool does not export the raw source images.


LabelExplanationData Type
Mosaic Dataset

The mosaic dataset that contains the images to be exported.

Mosaic Layer
Output Folder

The folder where the images will be saved.

Output Base Name

A prefix to add to the name of each item after it is copied. The prefix will be followed by the Object ID value from the mosaic dataset footprints table.

If no base name is set, the text in the Name field of the mosaic dataset item will be used.

Query Definition

An SQL expression that will be used to save selected images in the mosaic dataset.

SQL Expression
Output Format

Specifies the format that will be used for the output raster datasets.

  • TIFFTIFF format will be used. This is the default.
  • Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFCloud Optimized GeoTIFF format will be used.
  • BMPBMP format will be used.
  • ENVI DATENVI DAT format will be used.
  • Esri BILEsri BIL format will be used.
  • Esri BIPEsri BIP format will be used.
  • Esri BSQEsri BSQ format will be used.
  • GIFGIF format will be used.
  • Esri GridEsri Grid format will be used.
  • ERDAS IMAGINEERDAS IMAGINE format will be used.
  • JPEG 2000JPEG 2000 format will be used.
  • JPEGJPEG format will be used.
  • PNGPNG format will be used.
  • Cloud raster formatCloud raster format will be used.
  • Meta raster formatMeta raster format will be used.
NoData Value

All the pixels with the specified value will be set to NoData in the output raster dataset.

It is recommended that you specify a NoData value if the output images will be clipped.

Clip Type

Specifies the output extent of the raster datasets. If you choose an extent or feature class that covers an area larger than the raster data, the output will have the larger extent.

  • No clippingThe output will not be clipped. This is the default.
  • Clip to extentAn extent will be used to clip the output.
  • Clip to feature classA feature class extent will be used to clip the output.
Clipping Template

The feature class or bounding box that will be used to limit the extent.

  • Default—The extent will be based on the maximum extent of all participating inputs. This is the default.
  • Current Display Extent—The extent is equal to the data frame or visible display. The option is not available when there is no active map.
  • As Specified Below—The extent will be based on the minimum and maximum extent values specified.
  • Browse—The extent will be based on an existing dataset.
Cell Size

The horizontal (x) and vertical (y) dimensions of the output cells.

If the cell size is not specified, the spatial resolution of the input will be used.

Export images to image space

Specifies whether raster items will be exported in map space or image space.

  • Unchecked—Raster items will be exported in map space. This is the default.
  • Checked—Raster items will be exported in image space.

Remove image distortions

Specifies whether lens distortion will be removed from the exported raster in image space.

  • Unchecked—Lens distortion will not be removed from the exported raster in image space. This is the default.
  • Checked—Lens distortion will be removed from the exported the raster in image space.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Output Folder

The updated output folder.
