Build Seamlines (Data Management)

AllSource 1.0    |


Generate or update seamlines for your mosaic dataset. Seamlines are used to sort overlapping imagery and produce a smoother-looking mosaic.

You can use this tool to do the following:

  • Generate seamlines for all items in the mosaic dataset.
  • Generate seamlines for items selected using a query or by an area of interest.
  • Update existing seamlines if items are added or removed from the mosaic dataset.


  • The seamlines are generated so that there is one seamline per footprint.

  • You cannot build seamlines for a referenced mosaic dataset.

  • The Sort Method and Sort Ascending parameters are disabled if Update Existing Seamlines option is checked on.


LabelExplanationData Type
Mosaic Dataset

Select the mosaic dataset on which to build seamlines.

Mosaic Layer
Cell Size

Generate seamlines for raster datasets that fall within the following range of spatial resolutions.

You can leave this parameter empty and the tool will automatically create seamlines at the appropriate levels.

The units for this parameter are the same as the spatial reference of the input mosaic dataset.

Sort Method

Set a rule to determine which raster will be used to generate seamlines when images overlap.

  • NORTH_WEST Select the raster datasets that have center points closest to the northwest corner of the boundary. This is the default.
  • BY_ATTRIBUTE Select raster datasets based on an attribute from the footprint attribute table. Commonly used attributes include acquisition date, cloud cover, or viewing angle.
Sort Ascending

Sort the raster datasets in ascending or descending order.

  • Checked—Sort the rasters in ascending order. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Sort the rasters in descending order.

Sort Attribute

Order the raster datasets based on this field when the sort method is By Attribute. The default attribute is ObjectID.

Sort Base Value

Sort the rasters by their difference between this value and their value in the Sort Attribute parameter.

View Point

Set the coordinate location to use when Sort Method is Closest to viewpoint.

Computation Method

Choose how to build seamlines.

  • GEOMETRYGenerate seamlines for overlapping areas based on the intersection of footprints. Areas with no overlapping imagery will merge the footprints. This is the default.
  • RADIOMETRYGenerate seamlines based on the spectral patterns of features within the imagery.
  • COPY_FOOTPRINTGenerate seamlines directly from the footprints.
  • COPY_TO_SIBLINGApply the seamlines from another mosaic dataset. The mosaic datasets have to be in the same group. For example, the extent of the panchromatic band does not always match the extent of the multispectral band. This option makes sure they share the same seamline.
  • EDGE_DETECTIONGenerate seamlines over intersecting areas based on the edges of features in the area.
  • VORONOIGenerate seamlines using the area Voronoi diagram.
  • DISPARITYGenerate seamlines based on the disparity images of stereo pairs. This method can avoid seamlines cutting through buildings.

The Sort Method parameter applies to each computation method.

Blend Width
Blend Type

Determine how to blend one image into another, over the seamlines. Options are to blend inside the seamlines, outside the seamlines, or both inside and outside.

  • BOTH Blend using pixels on either side of the seamlines. For example, if the Blend Width is 10 pixels, then five pixels will be blended on the inside and outside of the seamline. This is the default.
  • INSIDEBlend inside of the seamline.
  • OUTSIDEBlend outside of the seamline.
Request Size

Specify the number of columns and rows for resampling. The maximum value is 5,000. Increase or decrease this value based on the complexity of your raster data. Greater image resolution provides more detail in the raster dataset but also increases the processing time.

Request Size Type

Set the units for the Request Size.

  • PIXELSModify the request size based on the pixel size.This is the default option and resamples the closest image based on the raster pixel size.
  • PIXELSIZE_FACTORModify the request size by specifying a scaling factor. This option resamples the closest image by multiplying the raster pixel size (from cell size level table) with the pixel size factor.
Blend Width Units

Specify the unit of measurement for blend width.

  • PIXELSMeasure using the number of pixels. This is the default.
  • GROUND_UNITSMeasure using the same units as the mosaic dataset.
Area of Interest

Build seamlines on all the rasters that intersect this polygon. To specify an area of interest, browse to a feature class, or create a polygon graphic on the display.

Feature Set
Query Definition

SQL expression to build seamlines on specific raster datasets within the mosaic dataset.

SQL Expression
Update Existing Seamlines

Update seamlines that are affected by the addition or deletion of mosaic dataset items. This option is enabled only if seamlines were generated previously and it will use the existing sort method and sort order to generate seamlines.

  • Unchecked—Regenerates seamlines for all items and ignores existing seamlines, if any. This is the default.
  • Checked—Only update items without seamlines. If any new items overlap with the previously created seamlines, the existing seamlines may be affected.

This parameter is disabled if seamlines do not exist.

Minimum Region Size

Specify the minimum region size, in pixel units. Any polygons smaller than this specified threshold will be removed in the seamline result. The default is 100 pixels.

This parameter value should be smaller than the sliver area, which is defined as (Maximum Sliver Size) * (Maximum Sliver Size).

Minimum Thinness Ratio

Define how thin a polygon can be, before it is considered a sliver. This is based on a scale from 0 to 1.0, where a value of 0.0 represents a polygon that is almost a straight line, and a value of 1.0 represents a polygon that is a circle.

Slivers are removed when building seamlines.

Maximum Sliver Size

Specify the maximum size a polygon can be to still be considered a sliver. This parameter is specified in pixels and is based on the Request Size, not the spatial resolution of the source raster. Any polygon that is less than the square of this value is considered a sliver. Any regions that are less than (Maximum Sliver Size)2 are considered slivers.

Slivers are removed when building seamlines.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Mosaic Dataset

The updated mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer