Build Multidimensional Info (Data Management)

AllSource 1.0    |


Generates multidimensional metadata in the mosaic dataset, including information regarding variables and dimensions.


This is a deprecated tool. The Build Multidimensional Info tool has been moved to the Multidimensional toolbox.


  • When you create a mosaic dataset from netCDF, GRIB, or HDF files, the multidimensional information is built into the mosaic dataset, and you can view the information in the dataset properties. The Build Multidimensional Info tool creates multidimensional information for a mosaic dataset that contains images collected at multiple times, depths, or heights, but was not created from netCDF files.

  • This tool creates the following two text fields in the mosaic dataset:

    • Variable—Stores the names of the variables. For example, this field will store the string Temperature for all the images with temperature data, and Salinity for all the images containing salinity data.
    • Dimensions—Stores the names of the dimensions. For example, if your temperature data has a corresponding Date dimension field representing the day it was captured, and your salinity data has a Depth dimension field representing the depth at which it was measured, the Dimensions field for that variable would be Date, Depth. The two fields, Date and Depth, must exist and be populated in the mosaic dataset.


LabelExplanationData Type
Mosaic Dataset

The input multidimensional mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer
Variable Field

The field in the mosaic dataset that stores the variable names and is used to populate a new field named Variable. If all rasters in the mosaic dataset represent the same variable, type the name of the variable, for example, Temperature.

If the Variable field does not already exist, an existing field or string value must be specified. If the Variable field exists, the tool will update the multidimensional information only.

Dimension Fields

The fields in the mosaic dataset that store the dimension information and are used to populate a new field named Dimensions.

If the Dimensions field already exists, the tool will update the multidimensional information only.

Value Table
Variable Info

Specify additional information about the Variable field.

Value Table

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Mosaic Dataset

The updated mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.