To get started with the Managing Elevation workflow, download and set up the geoprocessing tools, scripts, and sample data.
Download workflow tools
- Download the Managing Elevation Scripts zip file and locate the downloaded file on your computer.
- Right-click the file and extract it to your preferred location, like C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\.
The directories created will be:
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\batchfiles\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\Documentation\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\logs\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\MD\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\Parameter\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\scripts\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\Initialize_Script_Paths.bat\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\Initialize_Script_Paths_ArcGISPro.bat\
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\Readme.txt\
Download sample data
- Download the Managing Elevation Sample Data zip file and locate the downloaded file on your computer.
- Right-click the file and extract the sample data to the data directory in the directories you just downloaded. For example, C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\.
The directories created will be:
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\CLICK_SandyRiver2010
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\EGM2008
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\ETOPO
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\GMTED2010
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\Portland_LiDAR
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\SRTM_CGIAR_CSI
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\USGS_NED
- C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\ElevationScripts\Elevation\data\WorldZeroElevationBackdrop
Prepare your workflow scripts
This process will set all the file paths in the workflow to your version of ArcGIS Pro.
- In the …\ElevationScripts\Elevation\ folder, double-click the Initialize_Script_Paths_ArcGISPro.bat file. Click Run if prompted.
Once complete, hit any key to exit the Command Prompt window.
After this step, a file called Reset_Script_Paths_ArcGISPro.bat will be created. Double-click this file if you need to reset the scripts to their original state (if the project folder is being moved to a different location, for example).
Also, if you prefer to use ArcMap, use the Initialize_Script_Paths.bat file instead.
You have now set up the Managing Elevation workflow tools and sample data. In the next section, learn how to use the workflow's geoprocessing tools to manage elevation data.