Frequently asked questions

What is ArcGIS Hub discussions?

Discussions is a feature in ArcGIS Hub that allows group members to have secure and focused conversations about items of content.

Who can participate in discussions?

Any group member, whether Staff or Community, can start a discussion.

Under which ArcGIS Hub license can I use the discussions feature?

ArcGIS Hub Premium.

Where can I find discussions in Hub?

When viewing a content item (map, document, image, dataset, and so on), group members can create a post (or reply) to ask questions or share information about that item.

What types of content are supported by Hub discussions?

You can use discussions with any type of item in your content library. This includes images, spreadsheets, documents, PDFs, survey forms, datasets, feature services, web maps, stories, and more.

In a discussion about a map, can I include a location as part of a post or reply?

For geospatial content items (map-based), users can connect the post or reply to an existing geographic feature or to a feature they draw on the map (currently desktop-only). For map-based content, you can select only dataset type items. You can connect multiple geographic features to a post or reply.

How do I control the privacy of my discussions?

Users can only view and contribute to discussions that are occurring within their groups. Posts and replies will only be visible to members of the group.

How do I keep track of a conversation outside of Hub?

The discussions feature includes the ability to @mention other group members and notify them by email. The message provides a direct link to a specific post or reply.

Can a discussion have guidelines or ground rules attached to it?

Esri has its own Terms and Conditions, and a code of conduct document is being evaluated specifically for Hub discussions.

Can a discussion be closed or deleted?

The group member who created the first post or the organizational administrator can delete the discussion.

Can a discussion be translated?

Automatic translation is not yet supported.

What are some future capabilities to anticipate?

The capabilities of discussions will later be expanded to other areas of ArcGIS Hub. This includes the ability to use the feature from the group profile (group-based discussions), have new formats of discussions, and include external stakeholders.

Review the Discussions—A new way to communicate and collaborate within ArcGIS Hub blog post for an overview of discussions and its capabilities. Read the Have you heard about Hub discussions blog post to learn about sample use cases, work flows, and details about how discussions can apply to your work.