Esri Consumer Spending

Esri U.S. Consumer Spending data is based on the latest Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CEX) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data is reported by product or service and includes total expenditures, average spending per household, and a Spending Potential Index (SPI). Current-year and five-year consumer spending forecast data is available.

The Esri U.S. Consumer Spending database includes details about the products and services that consumers are buying. Consumer Spending data identifies hundreds of items in the following categories:

  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Apparel & Services
  • Education
  • Entertainment/Recreation
  • Financial
  • Food at Home
  • Food Away from Home
  • Health Care
  • Household Goods
  • Household Services
  • Housing
  • Life & Other Insurance/Pensions & Social Security
  • Miscellaneous Expenses
  • Personal Care
  • Total Expenditures
  • Transportation excluding Trips
  • Travel


Esri U.S. Consumer Spending data is available for:

  • 2024/2029 (in 2020 Census geography).
  • 2023/2028 (in 2020 Census geography).

Available geographies

See Advanced Demographics available geographies.

Update frequency

Esri Consumer Spending data is updated annually.


Esri uses the following methodology for Consumer Spending data:

Sample reports

The following sample spending reports are available:

For more information about reports and the products that contain them, visit Esri Reports.

For information about the number of credits needed to run reports, see Credits by capability.

Release notes

View the release notes for Esri Consumer Spending data in the Esri 2024 U.S. Demographics Release Notes (PDF).

Variable lists

The variable lists for Esri Consumer Spending data are in the following data catalogs:

For a list of removed variables for the 2024 release, see the Esri U.S. June 2024 new and removed variables by dataset (XLS).

Data availability

Esri Consumer Spending data is available in various products including the following:

For information about purchasing Esri Consumer Spending data as a stand-alone dataset, contact


For more information on Consumer Spending data, visit Get started with U.S. Updated Demographics—Part 2: Explore lifestyle, behavioral, business, and census data.