Configure story settings

Learn how to customize a story using the story settings.

Display options

Display options help you customize your readers' experience.


You can remove the menu that allows readers to share a story on social media by enabling Hide sharing options.


This option only applies to stories that are shared publicly.

You can choose if and how the date is displayed on the story cover by setting an option for Date on cover.

Story language

Setting a language in Story settings ensures the story broadcasts the correct language to web browsers. This is recommended and ensures that browser translation tools and assistive technologies, such as screen readers, work as expected. Some languages may also require a number and date format to be set.

Unless customized, the story language is set to your ArcGIS profile language.


Your ArcGIS profile always determines the language used in the story builder. When writing a story in a different language, it's recommended that you change your ArcGIS profile to the language in which you are writing.


Analytics is the collection of metrics related to published stories. As an author, adding analytics tracking to a story will give you insight into your audience and how they engage with your content.

Demographic metrics such as location and language preferences can inform decisions about how you tell your story and what key points to highlight to ensure your story has the greatest impact. In addition, you will have access to other metrics, such as how many people saw your story, how long they stayed on the page, and what kind of devices they used. You can gain these insights by using Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics with your stories.


Adding analytics to a story is only available to authors with organizational accounts on ArcGIS Online. For more information about account options, see Licensing.


For ArcGIS StoryMaps on ArcGIS Online, adding Google Analytics tracking is only available if your organization is participating in the Esri User Experience Improvement (EUEI) program. For more information about the EUEI program and how to configure it, see Configure general settings. A story author can optionally write a consent message for stories that use Google Analytics to inform readers of the anonymous tracking and require them to opt in to it. Stories that already have Google Analytics configured before July 14, 2021, will continue to track analytics even if the organization is not participating in the EUEI program; however, the story author or an administrator can remove the tracking from a story at any time from Story settings.

Add Google Analytics

Use the following steps to add Google Analytics to a story:

  1. Get a Google Analytics ID. For more information about creating a property in Google Analytics and finding your Google Analytics ID, see Set up the Analytics Google tag in the Google Analytics help.
  2. In the story builder, click the menu button Menu.
  3. Click Story settings to open the Story settings menu.
  4. On the Analytics tab, turn on the Enable Analytics toggle button, and choose Google Analytics. Add the Google Analytics ID in the Tracking ID field, optionally write a consent message in the Consent message field, and click Save.

The Google Analytics ID is added to the story. Google Analytics will record metrics for published stories that you can access on the Google Analytics website.

Add Adobe Analytics

Use the following steps to add Adobe Analytics to a story:

  1. Create a report suite in Adobe Analytics. For more information on creating a report suite, see Adobe Analytics: Create a report suite.
  2. Configure the suite to capture the Adobe events correctly. Use the mappings for Adobe Analytics in the Report Suite Manager, included at the bottom of this page.
  3. In the story builder, click the menu button Menu.
  4. Click Story settings to open the Story settings menu.
  5. On the Analytics tab, turn on the Enable Analytics toggle button, and choose Adobe Analytics. Add the Report suite ID and Tracking server. For more information on where to find your report suite ID and tracking server, see Adobe Analytics: How to identify your analytics tracking server and report suites ID. Optionally, write Consent message text and click Save.

Adobe Analytics is configured for use with the story. Adobe Analytics will record metrics for published stories that can be accessed on the Adobe Analytics Report Suite Manager.

Report Suite Manager mappings


























In this topic
  1. Display options
  2. Analytics